Thursday 18 March 2010

Gathering for Fellowship

Spent the last couple of days preparing for CG discussion.
We are just starting on G of GOD’S AIM. (G stands for Gathering for Fellowship).
While preparing, I found myself asking myself how I am doing in this area of my spiritual habit.
Am I convicted of the importance of gathering for fellowship? Do I still struggle in this aspect?
It is a good exercise because it makes me reflect and evaluate.
As compared to the past, I think I have improved in this area but I know I can do better because there are still times where the body gets lazy and gathering for fellowship takes a back seat.
However, I realized that as with other spiritual habits, I have to be intentional about it. I need to recognise that not all gathering will be super fun or very special but that is still where God wants me to be at. When I go by feelings; there will be many times I will choose to stay away. So, instead of focusing on what I can get out of the gathering, I can learn to seek ways contribute to the fellowship.
While on this, care group inadvertently came to my mind… care group has always been a very important part of my life. Bill Hybels once said this "There is nothing like the local church when it’s working right. Nothing even comes close” I think it also applies to CG and I truly believe in the potential of CG… only when we are all committed to gathering for fellowship, does covenantal relationship happens and when there is covenantal relationship …. You wouldn’t want to trade it for all the gold or silver in the world…

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Heb 10:24-25

Sunday 14 March 2010

Aye Aye Captain!

Last night, i went to Mariner's Corner Restaurant at Maritime House for dinner. (Heard that its a hotel for seaman) I love the ambience there, a throwback to the 80-90s (they are even playing Thats what Friends Are For!!). Cozy Christmassy feeling, soft music playing in the background and the best thing its not crowded ;O). The food is nice too. Was there with wifey and Yilong, my bro in law. I Had Fisherman Pan, Wifey had Cod fish and Yilong ate Salmon with Teriyaki sauce. I have long wanted to visit this place ever since Kunfa recommended it to me. I am glad i finally did.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Triste Coeur ;o)

Souvenir D' Enfance ... love this

The early birds

This morning, wifey and me went to church early to attend the 2nd catch up lesson at Kaplan for the leaders' retreat we missed. They showed a video where Wayne Crodiero preached about "Dead Leader Running" It was a very useful,timely and interesting video which i can really identify with. He gives many anecdotes and illustration on how a leader should and can lead without burning out. More of that, maybe in another entry. The session ended about 11a.m and we still have some time for breakfast. Instead of Loh Mai Kai which we usually eat , we decided to try Santa Fe outside cuppage which sells American Style Breakfast. You get to choose any item for $1 each. We chose chipolata sausages, bacon, sunny side up and ham and enjoyed our meal comfortably at the airy seat. It was a nice and relaxing time with wifey. It is good to start the day early indeed. The air is fresh, the sun is shinning and the birds are still chirping... ;o)

Friday 5 March 2010

Joga Bonito = Play Beautifully

Buddies unite

Met up with Roy, Ah Huat and Aidi last night for dinner at Sin Hoi Sai @ Tiong Bahru. Its been quite awhile since we last gathered. It was a nice meal. Food was good (we had fried baby squid, four season beans, Furong egg and prawn rolls (Huat's all time fav), spare ribs and Black pepper crab) better was the company. These guys have been my best-est buddies for close to 10 years already, having went through NS together and sharing life, bunks, beds, food.. everything those days. Roy is the "cultured arty farty one", Aidi is the techie and my "preferred IT vendor" .. Ah Huat, what can i say about this guy, prince of CRAP and lame jokes, Highly nonsensical but totally funny... haha. Really glad to know them back then . They have truly added so much joy and laughter to my life. Oh and how can i miss out Sebby who is now in the USA, he is the best driver we ever had and was the organiser of countless midnite suppers,  soccer sessions, and night adventure trips back then . He knows every nook and corner of Singapore and can take you there in minutes. They are all wonderful people, loyal friends whom i can trust. Thank you guys for the years of friendship ;O)

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10