Tuesday 13 July 2010

Guten Tag

Was chatting with wifey just the other day about the topic of furthering of studies and we both came to a conclusion that both of us dislike the idea of going for more academic studies.Really admire those who work and study at the same time. However we want to learn things that we like or some life skills along the way. Things like keyboard, handyman, cooking etc... short, affordable courses from the cc. It will be good if we can learn together. Learning a new language will be pretty useful too... German anyone?
Deutsch English
Everyday Pleasantries
Guten Tag! - Tag! Hello! - Hi!
Grüß Gott! Hello! (southern Germany & Austria)
Grüß dich! Hello! (familiar, informal)
Guten Morgen! - Morgen! Good morning! - Morning!
Guten Abend! Good evening!
Gute Nacht! Good night!
Wie geht es Ihnen? How are you?
Wie geht's? How are you? (familiar, informal)
Danke, gut. Fine, thanks.
Also see:
10 Ways to Say 'Thank You' in German
Sehr gut. Great.
Es geht. Okay. So-so.
Nicht so gut. Not so well.
Auf Wiedersehen. Good-bye.
Tschüs! Bye! See you later. (casual)
Requests - Bitten
Was möchten Sie? What would you like?
Ich möchte... I would like...
Darf ich? May I?
Können Sie mir helfen? Can you help me?
Yes/No - Thanks - You're Welcome
Bitte! - Ja, bitte! Please! - Yes, please!
Danke! Thanks! - No thanks!
Note: "Danke!" in response to an offer usually means "No thanks!" If you want to indicate a positive response to an offer, say "Bitte!"
Danke schön! Thank you!
Vielen Dank! Thanks a lot! - Many thanks!
Bitte schön! You're welcome! (in response to "Danke schön!")
Nein, danke! No thanks!

Monday 12 July 2010

One - Star Spain

write the future ? ... they just did it ! FIFA World Cup Champion 2010... ESPANA!!!!