Thursday 26 August 2010

Responding to 3 Challenges

CG 27 August 2010 – Responding to God’s Challenges (some thoughts)

Responding to challenge 1 - Learning to be involved again
Recently, I am involving myself to help out more in some events in our region like Movie Nite and DnD

What makes me do it?
There is always a need for more help, share the load with each other.
The realization that I have something to offer, no matter how small.
(All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.)

Learning points while serving
You can only serve well if you do not care who will get the credits. (1 Cor 3:6)
A sense of peace when you know that you have invested what God has entrusted you with, the right way. (matthew 25:14-30)
You have ownership when you are involved
Physically may be tired but spiritually refreshed
Confidence that God takes care of the rest of your concerns when you serve him.

Responding to challenge 2 – Learning to prepare my own teaching materials to feed my flock
I need to continue to be observant and sensitive to the things around me, to see God working in the everyday situations so that CG discussion/teachings can be more interesting. (Romans 12:6-8)
I have created a blog
as a platform to post some thoughts, teachings, sermon notes

What makes me do it?
If you love me, feed my sheep. (John 21:15-17)
Feed with good quality food.
When we pluck other teachings wholesale and overload with bible verses, it becomes poor quality food for my sheeps.
You cannot give what you do not have. So I must be able to internalize what I have learnt, draw biblical lessons from my experience before I can deliver it.

Responding to challenge 3 – Learning to make CG nites different,,,-but-not-as-I-knew-it

Even Physical Education is now being done so much differently, why not CG? As long as we keep the end goals in mind, we can explore different methods of delivering it.
Another example is my nephew’s school. They have so much experiential learning that even adult (i.e. Theresa finds it very interesting)
Remember the principle of contextualization (the need to make CG relevant to the people)
and the principle of competition (the need to ensure CG is still attractive )
It’s a happenin Friday evening; I can choose to chill out with my friends, why do I still choose to attend CG?

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Lion and the lamb

Last Sunday, we started on the 1st part of our ESS, titled Marshmallow Man.
Pastor Jeff started off by sharing about how different people have different ideas of what defines a “TRUE MAN”.
Is he the muscular, alpha male type like Stallone, Bruce Lee? or is he the SNAG metro sexual type (Zac Effron, Becks). Definition of true man evolves over the years and changes regularly with society’s expectations and demands as well as media portrayal…
So what is the bible’s take on the definition of True Man??
Firstly, a true man is TENDER.
In particularly, tender to express emotions.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem in Luke 19:41 and in John 11:35 Jesus wept over Lazarus his good friend.
Contrary to many Asian cultures, it is really ok for man to exhibit our emotions appropriately
A true man is also tender towards other people.
Especially the seemingly weaker group. (Children, elderly and women) as illustrated in John 8:9-11 and mark 10:13-16.
A true man is not a robot neither is he a block of wood. A true man is someone in touch with his emotions and he is not afraid to express it appropriately.
Secondly, a real man is also TOUGH.
Tough when it comes to what is right.
Although he is soft in heart, he is strong in character and mind as displayed by Jesus in John 2:13-16.
Something that pastor shared which is key to this point is “When we do not stand for anything, we will fall for everything.” That is so true…it is indeed frustrating to see man without any kind of convictions and principles and who goes wherever the wind blows. They flow towards whichever direction that bring them the most advantage even though they are clearly walking in the wrong path.
A real man is also tough in the face of difficulties.
They take personal responsibility to stay strong in marriage, family and work even when the going gets tough. They never give up but become more determine to overcome that situation they are in.
In conclusion, it is not easy to be a real man because we tend to veer towards the extremes. However, if we take the life of Jesus as a guide we will get pretty close to being the ultimate real man… After all, He is not known as The Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God for nothing…