Friday 24 June 2011

A Vacation at Tioman Island - Paya Beach Resort

What: Wifey and my birthday celebration
Where: Tioman Island, Paya Beach Resort
When: 21st - 23rd June 2011
What we did:Snorkelling, chit chat, rest & relax, play pool, ate cheap seafood (3 crabs cooked in different style), and lots of Sprite with lime ... Nice all very nice !!!!

June/November is always special for Theresa and myself as we celebrate our birthdays/anniversary, and this year's trip to Tioman Island remind ourselves of how blessed it is to be married to each other and celebrate our birthdays with “the one”!!! How wonderful to reminisce through 3+ years of marriage and to look forward with anticipation to the many more years ahead.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

IPPT 2011

Last Saturday, i went for my IPPT test. Thank God i managed to clear it. Not only that, it was an improvement from the previous few years performance where i can only get $100. This time i got $200 which is rather unexpected and very satisfying. After the test , i met up with Alex to have dinner at Clementi Hawker Centre.
wifey prayed for me before the test ;o)