Thursday 11 August 2011

An interview with Michael

Yesterday was our 1st session of YWMJ meeting and we have a special guest Michael. Michael is someone I respected a lot simply because he loves God and walk closely with God and because of that he is a very wise and anointed leader.
Before he started his teaching, he attempted to answer some questions that were directed to him from us. Below are some excerpts (I try my best to be as accurate as possible):

Q: How do you deal with discouragement?
M: Choose to forgive quickly. Make a conscious decision to say these 3 things when I am hurt. 1) I choose to forgive insert person’s name 2) Lord take away the hurt in my heart 3) Lord fill my heart with love.

Secondly do not neglect to refill my tank. My annual retreat with my wife Lean Choo helps to refill my tank

Thirdly Keep Pressing on … But now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ declares the LORD. ‘Be strong, Joshua son of Jozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people of the land,’ declares the LORD, ‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares the LORD Almighty… Haggai 2:1-9
The Lord commanded us to be strong… and Work. Even when things are not going too well, we are to keep pressing on and work. Many times by not doing work completely just because we are discourage, we end up worse off.
Ultimately, God knows how to encourage his people.

Q: What is God’s plan for you in 3-5 years down the road? How do you balance your personal dreams with God’s vision for you?
M: If we want to know what is God wants to do with your life, look at your SHAPE.
Whenever God designs something He has a purpose. Sometimes we only focus on the H. Look at SHAPE++ as a whole and merge it such that God’s dream for us is also our personal dream.

Q: What are the challenges working at the church office (e.g. Time, financial etc?)
M: Working in church office, multi tasking is something I need to be good at. Sometimes time is really very stretched. However, what I learnt is that you must still love peole sincerely and genuinely even when things gets busy. If there are really things that are beyond me, I have to acknowledge it. No point taking up everything but ended up with poor quality work. In terms of finance, God is faithful in his provision and Lean Choo is very careful with money, which helps a lot.

Q: What is something God spoke to you during the conference?
M: Go deeper, walk/minister in the spirit.