Monday 31 October 2011


There are somethings in life which we will never have an answer to. For example why did God create cockroaches.
Last night, another one of the creepy crawler entered our house again ( the second time in like 3 days )
It caused so much fear as wifey and myself tried to kill it. Never an easy thing to do as they have the ability to move so stealthily and sneakily. After like half an hour hunting high and low for it, wifey, with her super observant eyes saw it hiding behind our bottle of mouthwash.
I moved nearer and sprayed the insecticide right at the brownie and after awhile it turned turtle ( the best position to see a brownie in ). After making sure that the brownie has no more life left to spring a counter attack, i used some toilet paper to crush it and flushed it down the toilet. Phew...
After the whole episode, wifey began to clear up the clutter that has accumulated in the masterbedroom toilet while i clear up the area near the kitchen sink. Actually, a brownie attack almost always made us want to clear up clutter that we sometimes conveniently disregard. A kick up the backside for me to pack the house and clear up any mess. Perhaps thats what cockroaches are useful for. A reminder to stay clean and neat. No ?

Thursday 6 October 2011

Hero Zeng

This is Mr Zeng, he is from China and he is also THE MAN i call upon whenever things in my house needs a fixin.
Lighting, plumbing, painting, renovating etc... he can fix them all.
I can see that he is intelligent from the way he solve problems, always seeking ways for us to minimise our spending by his innovation and creative. Other than that, what impresses me most is his work ethos.. always serious, hardworking and a perfectionist.
Thank you Mr. Zeng!

Glenda and Gianna

Recently, we celebrated my nieces' Glenda and Gigi's Birthday at Swensens (Holland Village). G&G are very adorable but they are very different in terms of characters and temperament.
Glenda always thought herself as a princess while Gianna is a rugged gal who is deceptively tough beneath her tiny frame.
We love both to bits and just pray that God will continue to watch over them and that they grow up to be powerful powerful woman for Jesus.