Tuesday 29 May 2012

Left hand

A couple of weeks ago, during my 5th keyboard lesson, we were being taught to use our left hand to play the different chords. It was very difficult because my left hand is very inflexible; it was unnatural because my left hand feels clumsy. In fact the music that my left hand plays sounds rather boring. However, just before the lesson ended, perhaps to motivate us, the teacher demonstrated to us how the left hand chords complemented the right hand melody and played a very nice sounding simple song “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” That is when I realized the importance of getting the left hand techniques right so that I can play a beautiful tune, together with the right hand next time. This simple principle also reminded me how, as we live our life in step with the Holy Spirit, we can live a life that is pleasing to Jesus. Many times in our life, we are ignoring the Holy Spirit, treating Him like the awkward left hand. As a result we are unable to live the kind of life that Jesus destined for us to live. Therefore, I have to learn to be intentional in relying on the Holy Spirit at every moment. It may seem unnatural at times like using our left hand but as we do it over time, we can be assured that our life will be a sweet sweet song, rising up the throne of heaven…