Saturday 12 January 2013

Random Thoughts

Do first (talk less) - the attitude of faith
Sometimes a lot of things did not get started because there are a lot of talk around it.
So I hope I can be someone who can start do things first and not have so much discussion about a matter. 
Do it quietly - the attitude of humility
The best work are many times being done in a low profile manner. I shall not let external noise disturb what I wish to achieve nor shall I create unnecessary attention.
Do it at the right pace - the attitude of contentment 
I may be slow but I shall not let external pressure dictate the speed of living.
Work hard - the attitude of dilligence
I shall work hard and find joy and meaning in everything I take on.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Art and Craft with Gigi

Last evening, we brought Gigi down to our house for her first art and craft lesson.
We plan to spend an hour each week just to do some simple colouring, cutting and drawing with her in a more conducive environment with a structured setting.

We just want to do our part, however small, to help wee Gi improve her concentration and simple skills required to prepare her for life in primary school.

We showed her the way to fold paper aeroplane

and cut out a cartoon cat for her first lesson.

Bringing our "student" home after lesson ;o)

Gigi seemed to enjoy the lesson and satisfied with her achievements. We were so happy to see her laughter.

Lord give us creativity as we plan activities or Gigi and may you continue to help her develop. We commit our dearest Gigi into your mighty hands. Amen.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Entering 2013

On Monday, wifey and I went to Vivocity (Aoba Ramen) to have our dinner. She ordered Seafood Ramen and I ordered Chasiu Ramen. Both of us chose fish base as its should be less saltish.
Our set comes with octopus and fried chicken side dishes and a cup of ice lemon tea each. Bill comes to about $40 in total.

After dinner, we took a bus home and catch some TV before going out with Deb and the boys to join Mike at Commonwealth field for the New Year Countdown even organised by the RC. 

It was quite a nice event with an impressive fireworks finale. Pity the whole day of incessant raining caused the field to become soggy. If not, we’ll sure be running about in the big open field.
After the countdown, we watched more TV at home before sleeping.

On the first day of 2013, wifey and myself went swimming at SAFRA Mt Faber. We were welcomed by the sight of a surprisingly empty pool.

Nice! Weather was also just right and i enjoyed that day’s swim. We really liked SAFRA Mt Faber as there is a cosy and familiar feeling about that place and we spent many fun times there throughout the years, celebrating birthdays, anniversaries etc..
After the swim, we went over to the market opposite to eat at Swee Hoon’s dad’s fishball noodle stall.

It was really delicious. Will ask folks to patronise the stall as I feel they will enjoy the noodles here. Then, we crossed over back to SAFRA again to get some towels from e-mart. (Can only get 3pcs this time round as they have placed a limit on the number of items each person can buy using credits.. oh well..)
Before heading home, we also used their message chairs at $1 for 16mins. Very cheap but somehow I feel that the message is too hard.. prefer human hands anytime ;o)