Wednesday 5 November 2014

SGS Family/Long Service Award Day

Last Saturday was SGS Family/Service Award Day at Sentosa.

I am blessed and honoured to have wifey joining me to witness me receiving the 5 Years Award.

We started the day early and had McDonalds breakfast at Vivo City before taking the monorail into the “Island of Fun”

After alighting at the Beach Station, we were halfway through walking under the scorching sun when we spotted a beach tram which stopped alongside. We gratefully hopped on and the rest of the journey was a breeze, literally.. ;o)

The tram alighted us at the Sapphire Pavilion and we did the necessary registration and collected our door gifts (umbrella and a small exercise bag)

The Long Service award started soon after and I received a certificate with some monetary token of appreciation.


With the MD
After that, I was picked to play in some tele-matches. My group name? RED BULL haha…

We started with the “waiter race”, then “drunken sailor”, followed by “minefield” and the last and most challenging item was the very challenging Tug of War. Thank God that my team was made up of all (mostly young and hungry) guys, hence, we managed to come up tops in 3 of the 4 items (losing in the waiter race as we collected lesser water than the yellow team)



Total winnings amounted to $30 Capital vouchers (not too bad for an hour of games, sweat
and some abrasion)

Wifey’s observation from our Tug of War performance was that we were physically less strong than our opposition in the finals as they were bigger sized than a lot of us. However, she saw that we were hungrier to win and that was the key to our victory.

Personally, I felt that despite the tactics and technique given by our captain before the game (squat down, lean back and wait for opposition to tire before we start pulling) everything becomes quite messy once the game started and I found it very difficult to carry out the instructions. End of the day,. I guess techniques plays a part but like what wifey rightfully commented the desire to win was a very key factor.

We had buffet lunch after the games followed by some stage interactions and then lucky draw (which I did not win) . We loitered awhile more after that and tried the mini putting and shooting games booths before attempting to take the beach tram back to the beach station.

We did not succeed initially as the tram was always full no matter which station we waited.

So, both of us decided to just take a slow walk and while walking…. Tada… the beach tram appeared again and this time, there were some available seats. We board the tram and it took us back to Siloso before making a u-turn. The journey itself was enjoyable as we could take in the sights along the beach, so we decided to extend our ride and take to Palawan Beach and back to “explore” a little bit more, since we are in no rush to go home.

Selfie Time!

Sentosa is really a nice place, especially the Palawan area which looked quiet and peaceful with a nice lagoon. Will be back to spend some time there next time.

We headed home for some rest and to wash up before going over to Anchorpoint for dinner. Saw Garfeld there and took a pic with him.

We had Spaghetti (soft shell crab for me and aglio for wifey) at the food court that evening. It was delicious and reasonable priced.