Tuesday 17 February 2015

A Line that Says Alot

I love reading blogs (especially Kevin Thompson's) I learnt so much from his articles and how he communicate with his readers.

I noticed that many instances, in the comments section, some readers will ask him about his viewpoints on certain questions or to clarify some parts of his articles.

I love how he will answer them to his best of his ability and then add a sentence at the end "what would you add to the list?" ...  "have I missed out anything?" or "what do you think about this".

By writing this, it communicates 2 powerful truths

1) I do not have ALL the answer.

even though some people are wiser, more knowledgeable, or better at expressing their idea, in the final analysis, no one has it all figured out yet. So by adding this sentence to any form of communication it reflects humility on the part of the writer.

2) Your opinion is valued and I am interested to hear them.

Many times, the one who asked questions are satisfied to just be able to get a reply from the writer but when the writer ask them for their opinions, it makes them think more about the issue and perhaps comes up with valuable insights too which  the writer himself may not even perceive. Its engaging and interesting and communicates that everyone can contribute their viewpoints towards a certain issue or article.

This is something I have learnt. I hope that I can apply it too when I relate to people around me.

What do you think?