Monday 27 November 2017


Was at Capitol over the weekend for Etsy arts market with wifey. It was just a small scale event and the stalls weren't that interesting.

It was the first time we've been to Capitol since they revamped the place and it was a very nice building. The cool iconic façade was retained though... brilliant idea.

Thursday 23 November 2017

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Survey at Marina Bay Sands

Was at MBS yesterday for a survey. Love that place, especially so on a weekday morning. It was quiet and beautiful.

Monday 4 September 2017

Decorating Wifey's Sneakers

So wifey wanted hog on her sneakers... and then she wanted a flower too...

Thursday 10 August 2017

Brunch at Habitat Coffee

Yesterday was a public holiday (National Day) and so wifey and I decided to go for brunch. We had no idea where we were heading to, even after leaving our house and in my mind I was thinking it will either be around Orchard or Vivo area. However wifey wanted to go somewhere park-y, where we can go for a stroll if the weather stays fine after our meal.

So we decided to explore Upper Thomson area. There are quite a few café along that stretch and its rather near some parks too.

When we reached Upper Thomson, we walked around to see if there are anything that interest us. Then we saw a pet grooming shop with 3 cute puppies inside. Further down that stretch, there is also a shop selling puppies and we spent some time looking at them.

Since we were feeling rather hungry already, we decided to settle our meal at Habitat Coffee Apparently, this place is rather popular and there were already crowd forming, waiting to go in. We registered using the kiosk outside and waited for a short while before our table is ready.

Food took quite some time to arrive but we were in no rush and we chatted while waiting..

I ordered the Big Ben ($16)

and wifey ordered the salmon scrambled with truffle add on sautéed mushroom ($15+$3). However she was a wee disappointed that the salmon is cooked instead of smoked

and we shared a cup of hazelnut latte ($5.90)

After the meal, we lingered awhile longer and flipped through some magazines (our favourite activity everywhere we go) before we headed home and no, we didn't go to any park because weather was already too hot at that time of the day.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Thursday 22 June 2017

Look Up...

I seldom look up when I walk (especially so, nowadays) . I really should do that from time to time, the view can be unexpectedly beautiful...

Wheelock Place - 19 June 2017

Monday 17 April 2017

An oBike Experience

Last Saturday night, we saw 2 oBikes parked below our flat.

On a whim, wifey suggested that we try it out. It was already close to 9pm but it has been a long time since she expressed such an interest to try out a new activity. So we did.

We fumbled a little bit in the beginning as the bike was a bit too bulky for wifey and the seats kept becoming loose after we adjusted it but we still managed about half an hour of riding around the park connector canal beside our estate. It was a humid night but as we rode, it seems to be cooler and more comfortable.

We got a free session as it was during a promo weekend. All in all, it was quite a good workout experience.

Friday 13 January 2017


I have always liked the song 且行且珍惜 but never quite understand what it means.

Today while listening to it again on the radio, I decided to search for its meaning.

And I found this very helpful explanation : ” as “”, which indicates two actions taking place at the same time. So, “且行且珍惜” refers to “边走,一边珍惜” – to cherish what we have while going on with life or to cherish along the way.

Beautiful, and a very timely reminder indeed in this season.