Thursday 18 February 2010

"I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president,"

President Obama sometimes gives very inspiring speeches and quotes.

In one of his interview with ABC's "World News". He made this comment "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president,". In the midst of criticism to his massive health care reform bill and election setbacks, he remained determined to tackle health care and other big problems despite the political dangers to his presidency.

He continues "You know, there is a tendency in Washington to believe our job description, of elected officials, is to get re-elected. That's not our job description," Obama said. "Our job description is to solve problems and to help people."
"I will not slow down in terms of going after the big problems that this country faces," he said. "The easiest thing for me to do, Diane, would be to go small bore, avoid controversy, just make sure that everybody's comfortable and we only propose things that don't threaten any special interests in Washington. If you do that, then you can get a boost in the poll numbers."
Seated across from Sawyer in the White House, the president added, "I don't want to look back on my time here and say to myself all I was interested in was nurturing my own popularity."

I am very impress and inspired by his steadfast faith and single mindedness pursuit in what he believes in. Many of us settle for mediocrity and focus on the wrong things in life without really going beyond the superficial and beyond THE comfort zone. I want to learn to have that kind of conviction in what i believe in and not waver in whatever circumstances. Just like what the bible says
Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them. Deuteronomy 28:14

This is the animal that wifey touch.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Family Time during the CNY

As fast as they began, the CNY holidays has ended as quickly. Now its back to work. So what did i do for the past few days? Other than the customary visitations, i spent time with my family. Played some badminton. Went to River Hongbao on the 2nd Nite after ABC market dinner with Mike, Deb,Matt, Micky, folks and wifey. Had a hard time convincing dad to join us but he finally relented. It was a markedly improved event tis time round as the deco was more elaborate, and the rides brought in throngs of people. Great festive atmosphere there @ the float. Even had a chance encounter with MM Lee who was whisked past us. First time seeing him close up. Anyway we walked a bit and then the kids went to one the rides before we head home after a drink at MS Mac. It was funny seeing how the kids scream everytime their mini helicopters went past us.
Tuesday morning was spent at the zoo. Brought Wifey's parents there as its been a long long time since they visited this place. Josh and Steph planned this excursion.
Started off, full of energy as we took in the sights and sounds of the different animals. Some cute (otters) , some ugly (warthog) and some weird looking (the big nose monkey). As usual, wifey attempted to steal a touch here and there ..hahaha.
Perhaps is the age or the weather but we soon found our strides getting more laboured in the later part of the noon. i suppose wifey's dad enjoyed the trip alot as it is not often that he can go to faraway places ever since his stroke. Anyway walked on, capped off the trip with the iconic Polar bear show and then took a cab back. Reached home just in time for dinner, around 6plus. Spent a whopping 7 hours there. Totally spent force.... but certainly well worth every minute of it.

Sunday 14 February 2010


Wifey and me ,taken during eve of Chinese New Year 2010...

Friday 12 February 2010

The Beginning

Finally... after much delaying and procrastinating, this blog was finally created. Its long overdue and blogging may have already lost its popularity to the likes of Facebook and twitter but its okie, better late than never i reckon. Hmmm... Why The-First-Garden ..if you know me well, you know why...