Friday 18 June 2010

Truth Telling

Was listening to Ps Jeff's sermon online during lunch yesterday. He spoke about the topic of truth telling. We need to be truth tellers and we need to take in the advise of truth tellers in our life so that we can be a better disciple and disciple maker in the kingdom of God. The most important point about truth telling?...
it needs to be done with LOVE. If we are correcting somebody, always always check our intention and motives. Are we being self righteous and will our comment/remark tear the person down??? Truth telling MUST always be done with the intention of helping the other party cover his blind spot and to build him/her up. Something he quoted really sums up this point beautifully.. " we do not want uncritical lovers and we certainly do not need unloving critics " If we care , we will tell someone the truth which he or she cannot see... lovingly.

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