Tuesday 20 March 2012

Jesus' Special Gigi

I have a niece whose name is Gianna Foo Shi Hui. Because Gianna was born pre-matured she is smaller in size and to help her hear better, she now wears a hearing aid. Even though she has gone through a lot as a baby, she is one tough fighter…beneath her wee frame, is a rugged little girl whom her uncle and auntie Theresa is very proud of. We always have a lot of fun with Gigi and discovering how she amuses herself. We pray that she grows up to be a healthy, beautiful and intelligent lady.. most importantly, she can grow up to be a woman whose heart will be so lost in Jesus that a man has to first find Jesus, before finding her. Gianna, Jesus loves you so much. Kuku and auntie Theresa loves you very much also. You are special in our eyes. Muacks….

Monday 19 March 2012

Celebrating Talent

This post is dedicated to my beautiful (inwardly and outwardly; o)) wife Theresa.
I want to celebrate her talents. God has given her the talent of doing very pretty craftworks. Over the past couple of months, she has tried her hands at making her own tote bags, tile magnets and recently she has just completed the 3 miniature wall deco set that we got from Taiwan.
Wifey is serious and very dedicated when doing her craftworks and she is also very eager to learn more and new ways of honing her skills (thanks Prisc for guiding her!)
I pray that she will continue to find joy doing her craftworks and also use it to bless people around her.
oh, not to mention, she also makes a mean cheesecake....
wifey's awesomely yummy-licious Oreo cheesecake.
God is most pleased when we use our natural abilities for His glory.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Hollywood After Hours

Last evening, wifey and I went in to Univesal Studio for their Hollywood After Hours. It was my first time there and it reminds me of our honeymoon at Hong Kong Disneyland. Although we were neither allowed to visit the entire place nor take the rides, I was already more than satisfied.

Universal Studio is so colourful that one feels happy just by entering the place. We had our dinner at the Malaysia Food Street ( fried lao su fen and bak kut teh) before going in. The entrance fee cost just $5 per person. We went in at 7pm to take pictures, stroll along the streets and enjoyed a 10 mins display of beautiful fireworks. We also bought something for each other as a souvenier. ( A mug from wifey and a lanyard for her )
It was a indeed a memorable date with my wife.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Power of Life Groups

Last week during sermon, Pastor Jeff used the evolution illustration to describe LG.
It was a very apt an interesting picture to paint as many times people go for LG feeling very tired after a day’s work, some problems we face or troubles we encountered.
However the LG has the power to encourage and give life if it’s working right and when the spirit of God is present. Many times, we walk out feeling refreshed and our spirits get lifted.
Conversely, it also means that if the group is one that is life ‘draining’ whereby there is no authentic fellowship and where brothers and sisters are divided… a person may walk in alright but leave the meeting feeling tired and drained… the model goes backward.

Let’s make LG a life giving one!

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:42-47