Monday 29 April 2013

An Interesting Weekend

Last Friday was our combined LG. We had a wonderful time of fellowship over chicken rice , games and sharing.

The family atmosphere was palpable and everyone mingled freely with one another. Wifey and myself were more than glad to open up our house and play host to our brothers and sisters in Christ. After the meeting has ended people like Ah Yeo, Aung Leng, Prisc, Jian Ming, Ang, Yao Rui etc stayed behind to chit chat while our LG went into the room to have some prayers. One thing I learnt was that if people still lingered after the meeting has ended, it surely meant that they are enjoying the company which was great to know ;o)

we are getting there...

Saturday morning, wifey and myself attended AMEX open house at Mapletree Business City and it was a beautiful environment with greenery all around and they have also prepared some really nice refreshment for the attendees. We even got 2 luggage bags for attending the event.

Going on a tour?

can't resist a shot ;o)
At night was the Julio Iglesias concert at the Compass Ballroom at Resorts World Sentosa. We had an early dinner at Seah Inn before going in. The concert was a bit underwhelming but I am still thankful to have won that pair of tickets.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Dinner at Songs of the Prince

Last evening, wifey met me after work and we went to Songs of the Prince at Bukit Merah to have our dinner

Songs of the Prince sells Korean food at a reasonable price and has been recommended by Stef previously and we finally got to try it.

Wifey ate kimchi beef noodles while I had seafood bibimbap (mixed vegetable rice in hot stone bowl). Mine was a special order which comes without cucumber.

We both found the food there q nice and satisfying. Since it’s so near our place, we will return again to try their other dishes such as bulgogi beef which looks quite good too.

After dinner, we both went for a haircut at Kawaii and headed home to rest.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

The Holy Spirit Wins

Last Thursday, I had a real dilemma whether to go for night soccer organised by Sebby just before he leaves for Australia or attend Ps John Jacks’ Seminar.

The flesh in me goes this way,

1) the seminar is 2 hours for 2 nights each. So it maybe too tedious after a long day at work

2) Since its a 2 nights event, I can still attend Friday’s slot

3) I will be alone in the seminar

4) the area of Prophecy is something i may not understand and may not be too interested in

5) Sebby, my best friend is leaving soon and it maybe years later until I can see him and play soccer with him again

6) Its night soccer at the cage and i can hardly resist night soccer at the cage!

I was struggling real hard within me to decide which one to attend and in the end I decided to attend the seminar. The holy Spirit wins.

So after work I went down, had a simple dinner and sat in the axis about 20mins before the start. That is when I felt a sense of peace and rather glad that I have obeyed the holy spirit.

Than when the worship began, any lingering doubts of whether i have made the wrong choice just smashed to bits. I felt ministered and refreshed as i sang with all my heart to the Lord. Although on that night and Friday I did not get prophesied over, i already felt blessed by attending the session.

So why this testimony? I believe God wants to remind me again that

1) Corporate worship/meetings are important because it is a biblical mandate. (And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Heb 10:24-25 )
And because we can receive encouragement that we may not able to receive individually.

2) Be early so that I can prepare my heart to enter into God’s presence-It makes a HUGE difference.

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Psalms 84:10

Daddy and Mommy's Blessed Birthday

Yesterday was folk’s actual birthday and at night, we surprised them with a cake!

I observed that dad is always very happy and visibly touched when it comes to singing birthday songs and cake cutting. That is why this is something we’ll do on every birthday. ( he is still a child at heart ;o) )

Happy Blessed Birthday, mommy and daddy. Thank you for loving and taking care of us unconditionally, may God bless you with good health and joy in the years ahead. Love you much!

Monday 22 April 2013

Musings - weekend

Last Saturday, I followed darling to her employment check up at Raffles Medical at Centrepoint.

We left the house early so as to be the first few to reach the clinic and avoid the crowd if any.

The check up was done by about 10+ and so we walked over to TAKASHIMAYA to have our brunch.

We used up our $20 vouchers by sharing a Japanese rice set with soba and fried chicken and also bought 4 buns from Donk, a Japanese-French bakery which is apparently quite popular from the news articles they put up at the shop.

I must say the buns tasted delicious indeed. I always felt a sense of satisfaction whenever I use up my vouchers in wise purchases.

After that, we walked back to Robinsons to take a look at the Sperry shoes which I am interested to buy using my Homescan vouchers which I have yet to redeem.

After shopping a couple of hours more at Robinsons and OG (Toys department!) we had a Macdonald black pepper McSpicy meal before heading home. I like the Lychee Fizz most ;o) other than that, the meal was pretty average.

We rested at home till evening time before going to the market to have dinner at HMJ, sharing a plate of fish slice and veg. Wifey watched the Hills Have Eyes 2 at home and i caught the remaining of Norwich Vs Reading after her show has ended. The Canaries 2-1 victory more or less ensured survival in the Premier League for another year.. phew!

Sunday, went for service and the preacher John Jacks did his prophecy again over some individuals in the congregation. May they be encouraged by the Word and live out their destiny in Christ in their lifetime.

After service , we walked down to have lunch only to meet with heavy downpour. It was a really wet and cold affair walking around to look for an eating place nearby but with no success. We then decided to go over to Hong Lim but not before braving more wind and rain that threatened to destroy both Abel and my brollies. Most of us had prawn noodles at Hong Lim.

Dinner was at Zi Yean to celebrate folks birthday. This time round, we chose the non-aircon area he-he cause weather is not that hot. We ordered the usual Tofu, sweet & sour pork, 2 veggies, half a chicken, prawn in beancurd skin and noodles.

It was a good cosy meal and I can sense that folks enjoy it more than the previous time when we there for my birthday. Probably because its less stressful than sitting inside the more formal but pricy air con restaurant. They are all simple folks, easily contented.

We chatted a bit more after dinner before going home, caught the remaining Star Awards and retiring for the night, exhausted but satisfied.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Krabi Maybe

Recently, I have been doing a lot of research on Krabi.

By research, I meant reading other people’s blog randomly on their experience there.

They were mostly positive and I am really tempted to just book a flight out there for a short getaway.

Nothing excites me more than cheap and good food, massage, swimming and collecting more travel memories with wifey.

Will see...