Thursday 29 May 2014

That Which Refills Our Tanks

On Monday, wifey and I took leave to rest (after 2 days of Acts Conference)

We went to Breko Café at Holland Village to have our breakfast. I ordered their signature set while wifey had Salmon brekmuffin.

It was a quiet and cosy time as we just enjoy each other’s company as we ate, chat and share our thoughts and feelings over various matters.

I think we spent close to 3 hours there but it certainly didn’t feel like that long.

I thank God that we have so many things to say to each other, and I thank God that we can refill each
other’s tank by spending time together.

After breakfast, we walked a bit more at Guardian to use up my voucher and then decided on a whim to go grocery shopping at Bishan junction 8.

Thank God for circle line and for the fact that we can be so comfortably random together, doing things spontaneously.

It was a great day, indeed. Very refreshed.

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