Monday 29 September 2014

Retreat Weekend

Last weekend was our Sub-District retreat at the Salvation Army at Bukit Timah.

It was the 2nd year we held our retreat there but this time round, the unit we got #04-01 was slightly bigger.

Most of the team (Danny, Prisc, Aun Leng, Ferlene, Yao Rui, Ah Yeo, Chris, Meiling, Wifey and Myself) arrived at 12pm punctually and we all had lunch together. Thanks to Aun Leng who ordered 933 Golden Pillow (curry chicken, fish, fried bee hoon and chicken wings etc…).

It was a really sumptuous and filling meal.

After lunch, we started our meeting with a worship and Danny began by sharing some of his thoughts and his personal learning points.

Some of the important points(which will later be repeated when the rest of the group come in for the later session) are

Some issues that plague us (in our Sub-D, LG)

- Unity

on the surface, things look fine but beyond it, people are holding on to their preferences and rights more and more

When people are united, we do not need a very god programme. Conversely, when there is disunity, the best programme will never be good enough

- Spiritual complacency (our private life)

We cannot walk with God while still holding hands with the devil

In order to walk with God, we need to come clean before Him.

Our outward actions have to propelled by

1) Upward reference

2) Inward experience

Ultimately, in order to sustain in our walk with God, whatever we do, it has to be out of gratitude instead of out of duty. We probably start off with an intentionality, then we build commitment towards the cause (our effort) and the progress to surrender when we have nothing to hide, nothing to prove and nothing to lose (our gratitude)

Just like when we were young we do things for our parents out of duty and at this phase of our life, we do things for our parents out of gratitude.

We started our discussion after Danny’s sharing at about 2+pm mostly facilitated by Jas and Prisc.

It was a time where we all spend time exchanging our thoughts in the various aspects of LG. it lasted for about 3 hours.

Liyin arrived quite early as were finishing and got some of them a much needed dose of caffeine

We then wrapped up our first session as the rest of the group started flowing in.

When most of the people had arrived. we started our buffet dinner followed by praise and worship. Danny then shared to the group on the same message hoping to get people to join him in this journey to build an Acts2 like community, to be a carrier of this vision. He also encouraged us to start a bible reading plan (Simplify) together from the “app”.

We ended at about 9pm.

That night, wifey and I decided to stay over to extend the fellowship and to intentionally participate in community living.

We spent the night chatting with the rest and Aun Leng also used wifey as her TCM demonstration.

I went to bed around 2am that night and woke up about 7am to have breakfast and go to service together.

On Sunday evening, wifey and I went to her favourite dining place at Ichiban Boshi (Vivocity) to have our much treasured private time as we slowly wind down a rather tiring weekend. (lack of proper sleep)

There is a time for everything

It is very important to be engaged and involved in our community, it is also very crucial that as husband and wife, we purposefully create our time of romance and privacy. Too much of one extreme at the expense of the other will be unhealthy in the long run so we want to be intentional to do both well so that we can go a long way together as we refresh and refill one another's tank in the community God placed us in.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Bottoms Up

Last Sunday (21st Sept 2014), wifey and I did something we have not done for a long time.

We initiated a meet up with Danny to seek some wise counsel and practice some accountability

It is refreshing and good for the soul.

Just like a car that clocked miles and miles on the road, dirt and filth clogged up the system making it inefficient and ineffective.

Hence, the session is like a (long-overdue) servicing.

I thank God for leader over us who is willing and available to sit down and hear us out and provide his insights.

I thank God for wifey who is willing and available to humbly sit down beside me as we seek guidance and advice from our shepherd.

There are blessings when divine order is followed, when there are mutual honour given , when there are spiritual covering from the top to the bottom.

In this present age and time, the concept of accountability may not be valued as much anymore, and accountability may at times be uncomfortable and awkward .

But it sure is important. It is the best choice and it puts a huge smile on God’s face when his children decide to account.

"Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.

Pray for us. We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way. I particularly urge you to pray so that I may be restored to you soon." hebrews 13:17-19

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Have You Closed your Apps ??

My i-phone has given me several “lessons” through how it works and the parallels that can be applied in how I live my life.

The latest one came one weekend while I was charging my phone.

I realised that it hasn’t been charged fully despite being plugged in for a relatively long time. It is still at 60+%

Then when I checked, I realised that I have forgotten to close quite a few apps; Facebook, Camera, Safari were all still operating the background.

Elementary mistake, but we still make them more often than we like to.

We commit the same mistake in our life too. Many times, we find ourselves constantly drained. (physical, emotionally)

Despite all the efforts we make to refresh ourselves. We find ourselves hovering around the 50% mark and the reason is also because we have yet to close our apps of a different kind.

The app of un-forgiveness, the app of pride, the app of seeking approval, the app of always wanting to prove ourselves etc… is constantly running in our background.

So, when life feels so draining. Remember to check what is running in the background and make an intentional decision to ask God for help to close them off.