Wednesday 3 September 2014

Have You Closed your Apps ??

My i-phone has given me several “lessons” through how it works and the parallels that can be applied in how I live my life.

The latest one came one weekend while I was charging my phone.

I realised that it hasn’t been charged fully despite being plugged in for a relatively long time. It is still at 60+%

Then when I checked, I realised that I have forgotten to close quite a few apps; Facebook, Camera, Safari were all still operating the background.

Elementary mistake, but we still make them more often than we like to.

We commit the same mistake in our life too. Many times, we find ourselves constantly drained. (physical, emotionally)

Despite all the efforts we make to refresh ourselves. We find ourselves hovering around the 50% mark and the reason is also because we have yet to close our apps of a different kind.

The app of un-forgiveness, the app of pride, the app of seeking approval, the app of always wanting to prove ourselves etc… is constantly running in our background.

So, when life feels so draining. Remember to check what is running in the background and make an intentional decision to ask God for help to close them off.

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