Monday 16 November 2015

Struggling in Vain

Just now after lunch, I went to pay my bills.

In front of me, there was a middle aged uncle (maybe my dad’s age?) struggling with the SAM machine.

I know how such machines can be challenging for the older generation, so I will be especially patient when they are using, not wanting them to feel pressured.

I offered my help, but he was very hesitant and declined, even offered me to use the machine first.

I declined and asked him to continue using it after helping him with the first step.

He told me he was unfamiliar with the machine but insisted on doing it on his own… so I respected that and stood behind.

I then saw that he was paying some “bankruptcy” fees… that probably explained why he didn’t want any help with the machine even though he was unfamiliar with it.

I saw that he was progressing fine until he clicked on a button which led him back to the homepage again ( I think he was trying to pay another bill but pressed wrongly, all his earlier information lost so he may need to re-key all over again) . Not sure if he is able to continue again from there without any help… sigh…

I didn’t want to impose or insist on helping as he might feel irritated so I left and went to the mall to use another machine so that I will be in time to catch the bus back.


Are we like this at times, declining help even though we are struggling because of perceived shame when the one who offered help would not even judge you. That person just want you to be able to complete your task successfully.

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