Thursday 13 September 2018


Just finished reading this book, the second book by Sara Hagerty.

I enjoyed her style of writing in her first book Every Bitter Thing is Sweet, so I ordered this once it hits the shelf.

The primary theme of this book revolves around the act of Mary Magdalene pouring expensive perfume at the feet of Jesus (in John 12:1-8). To many who witnessed what she did, it was an extravagant waste but to Mary, it was worship.

Sara wrote that as we spent our years in season of hiddenness, nothing is ever wasted. Those barren years, those tears that has been shared privately, the.painful experiences, mundane settings and repetitive tasks that we have been doing day after day which no one noticed, God sees them all.

We have been invited to those moments and as we fix our eyes on Jesus despite how others sees us, we grow deeper and more intimate with Him.

The message is simple but it is becoming more relevant as social media threatened to infiltrate our lives from all angles, with many addicted to the approval of man and their "likes" on facebook. This book remind us to take a step back and appreciate the private moments where there is nothing to post and nothing to boast.


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