Monday 30 January 2012

Lo Hei!

It has always been our family's practice to "lao Yu sheng" during the Chinese New Year. This year is no different as we had our dinner at Han's and bought a plate of Yu Sheng home after that.
I enjoyed the tossing Yu Sheng very much as it taste delicious and most importantly, the whole family will be doing it together in high spirits...

After Nexus.... Axis

Yesterday, on 29 Jan 2012 we had our first adults service at our new home. It is called the Axis Auditorium and is located at Textile Centre 200 Jalan Sultan.
I pray that the favour of God will continue to be upon Hope Church Singapore as we enter into this new place and that one day, my whole family will worship Jesus here together.

Thursday 26 January 2012


The Chinese New Year holidays have just ended and this is this is how I spent the past few days...

Friday 20th Jan : Wifey and myself were on leave that day to do a final spring cleaning. Cleaned up the window grills in the morning. Phew, it was a tough task with all the dead insects trapped in our white window frame leaving stains all over. Spent close to 5 hours on the windows alone. After that it was vacuming and moping the floors of the whole house than finally washing off those dead insects that has accumulated on the corridoor. Oh in the morning i went with mom to the market to do some marketing for steamboat reunion dinner. In the evening, we went to our final service at Nexus Auditorium. It was packed to the brim and we had to sit in the overflowing room . What a way to say goodbye to Cuppage. After service, me and wifey went to Chinatown to soak in the festive atmosphere.
Encountered an unscrupulous vendor selling jelly who tried to stuff 3kg of jellies to us ($36!!!) when we only chose less than 1kg. Wifey got so upset and told the vendor off for doing such a despicable act and we ended up walking away without getting anything from that stall. After that incident, we both found the man amusing when we recall how he tried to "act" as if he is doing us a favour by giving us free jellies... man... classic. Anyway, we didn't allow him to spoil our mood. ( thank God we still managed to get a bus home at about 12:15am.) We also got some small cute dolls for glenda and Gianna at one of the shops. We were beat when we reached home.
21st Jan: Played soccer in the morning with the AMK gang. This time i invited Jamel to join us. Hope he really enjoyed himself. In the afternoon, we went to NTUC to get some stuffs for BBQ in the evening. that includes Tiger Prawns, Squid, Scallops, Beef, Fish fillet and mushrooms... all set for a superb BBQ right ??!! WRONG!! it was disastrous as we failed to get the fire up for more than an hour. ( We did see a beautiful rainbow though )
finally we decided to switch to using the electronic grill... it was fine for awhile until that too broke down on us ( perhaps due to the fact that we were using aluminium foil which somehow managed to spoil the set ) finally, we resorted to cooking the food instead using the trusted frying pan ;o( . I was getting tired and frustrated by the failure to launch and did not really enjoy my dinner that night. Tired....
22nd Jan: Lunar New Years Eve! This year, we had reunion lunch at Theresa's parents place. It was steamboat as per usual and despite being a hot and sunny day outside, i managed to stay cool and enjoyed the steamboat. The food is nice and we chatted as we ate as a family. Finished the lunch at about 2pm and rested while ( keep dozing off at the sofa while watching TV ) Wifey helped by clearing the dishes and after that she , Stef and mom stayed in the room to chat and do their nails. We left at about 430pm. Bought a pot of small tomato plant from a lorry below our flat for $10. Good Deal..
Had my 2nd round of steamboat at home with folks, grandpa and Aunt Sally. This year, dad bought Pen Cai from Zi Yean Restaurant but we do not think it is fantastic. Average at best. After dinner, we went back home to catch some TV (New Year Variety Programme) after midnight, we went back up to folks to give them Ang Pow and wish them Happy New Year.
23rd Jan: 1st day of new year, went to Grandpa’s home and met up my relatives there. Stayed for about 2 hours and then its off to my dua kim’s house and then gor ku’s place.
We were done with the visitations by 330pm and headed home… tired… dinner was a repeat of the leftover steamboat. After dinner, wifey finally fulfilled her desire to paint the puny nails of G & G….
glenda proudly showing off her nails
their introduction to Vanity…. Thanks to Auntie Theresa…
24th Jan: 2nd day of new year. Visited Theresa’s folks and had our lunch there as well. Watched a bit of TV and went home late afternoon. Dinner was KFC and Pizza.
25th Jan: 3rd day of new year which is a working day but we took leave to rest abit more. Had our breakfast at Macdonalds at HarbourFront and then walked around Vivo City.After that we went home to rest and than went over to Queenstown Swimming Pool for a swim. Had a leisure couple of laps at the baby, medium and finally adults pool and just taking in a bit of sunshine. Dinner was at the crowded KEK, Had spareribs king, sambal kangkong and claypot Pork Liver ( my Fav ! )

There you have it, how I spent 6 Days of holidays….

Monday 9 January 2012


Last Friday, wifey and I took half day leave from work to go on a date. As we still have an unused pair of movie vouchers, we decided to catch the film “We Bought a Zoo” at Orchard Cineleisure. It was a rather touching movie that made wifey teared at some scenes…
Before the show starts, we had our lunch at Shokudo. Wifey had Miso Soup Udon while I had a plate of seafood platter rice set which comes with a cup of ice lemon tea, mango pudding and miso soup. ( this place add chilli padi into their miso soup, it’s a tad spicy but nice ) we completed the satisfying meal with their delicious Tofu cheesecake.

After the movie, wifey saw a leather sling bag which she fancies and decided to get it so that she can hang her new key chain. ;oP ha-ha

We then strolled over to Takashimaya basement to have a look at their Chinese New Year fair. The usual stalls selling Chinese New Year goodies were there. We sampled their tarts, nuts, cakes, soups, noodles etc… and bought a bottle of crispy chilli sauce ;o)
We were tired by then and decided to head home to rest awhile before LG starts.

We had our first LG in 2012 on that day and it was a nice time of just catching up and sharing our resolutions (again). Jiayun played a mandarin worship song 有一位神 (There is a God) during holy comm…

I shared on the topic “God Knows Best” as a follow up from our new series A new U – A New Purpose. The
main theme being the verse Jeremiah 29:11

After LG, wifey and I was feeling hungry as we haven’t had our dinner yet, so I cooked dried instant noodles with the chilli I bought in the afternoon with some mushrooms. As we ate and chatted into the night…

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Finding Boomerang

Last Saturday, me and wifey played a game with our dear nephews Matt and Mick at their home. It was actually the age old “treasure hunt” with a twist. We called it mission “Finding Boomerang” just to make it more exciting for the kids. They, being police officers (with toy guns and all) looking for a hidden criminal.

Why Boomerang? It is simply because we are using Boomerang Bird (which Kong Kong bought in the morning at Chinatown) as the hidden treasure.
It was a hoot watching the kids search high and low for that hidden treasure amongst the most improbable of places… My choice of hiding the bird inside a toy doll house and inside a helmet was a tad too sneaky for them and grudgingly they have to accept the fact that they have failed both missions... ;oP

I hid Boomerang in places which I think the kids will not be able to find because I want to make the game more challenging and fun for them. As well as to get them to learn to explore more.

However, when it comes to the kingdom of God, our intention is not to make it more difficult for people to find salvation. On the contrary, we have to learn to do all we can to make it easier for people around us to find the hidden treasure. This is so that they would not have to look at all the wrong places only to find temporal happiness in relationship, wealth and self made success.

Jesus is the treasure. Can we point someone towards Him this year? Can we help someone draw closer to Him in 2012?

Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46