Tuesday 3 January 2012

Finding Boomerang

Last Saturday, me and wifey played a game with our dear nephews Matt and Mick at their home. It was actually the age old “treasure hunt” with a twist. We called it mission “Finding Boomerang” just to make it more exciting for the kids. They, being police officers (with toy guns and all) looking for a hidden criminal.

Why Boomerang? It is simply because we are using Boomerang Bird (which Kong Kong bought in the morning at Chinatown) as the hidden treasure.
It was a hoot watching the kids search high and low for that hidden treasure amongst the most improbable of places… My choice of hiding the bird inside a toy doll house and inside a helmet was a tad too sneaky for them and grudgingly they have to accept the fact that they have failed both missions... ;oP

I hid Boomerang in places which I think the kids will not be able to find because I want to make the game more challenging and fun for them. As well as to get them to learn to explore more.

However, when it comes to the kingdom of God, our intention is not to make it more difficult for people to find salvation. On the contrary, we have to learn to do all we can to make it easier for people around us to find the hidden treasure. This is so that they would not have to look at all the wrong places only to find temporal happiness in relationship, wealth and self made success.

Jesus is the treasure. Can we point someone towards Him this year? Can we help someone draw closer to Him in 2012?

Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46

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