Friday 3 August 2012

Taiwan Itinery (Actual)

Day 1 (7July)

720am - depart Sg

1145am – touch down Taoyuan airport ( buy Taiwan Da Ge Da local sim card )

12pm – Take 20 mins of U-Bus (NT30each) to Taoyuan High Speed Rail station and take HSR for 45mins (NT540each) to Taichung HSR station to link up with our driver Liu da ge ( he charge us NT1500 to drive us up cingJing Shangri La Hanging Garden Resort)

3pm – check into resort and wash up. Thereafter, explore the area around the area.

7pm – have dinner at Carton King ( Very nice concept restaurant with good food like personal steamboat or western food at affordable prices , must TRY! ) after dinner we continue to walk around and bought some postcards to write back home

11pm – ZZZZZ

Day 2 (8 July)

7am - Woke up early to have breakfast at Resort

8am - Take a shuttle bus up ( abt 7mins ) Green Green Grassland. There you can feed sheeps, watch sheep/horse show (during weekends) and bask in the warm sunshine on a vast hill. Nice place to take pics.

11am – take a bus down and have lunch

12 pm – go back resort to wash up rest as it is very hot

4pm – have high tea at the resort ( comes with our resort package )

5pm – Went to small Swiss Garden

8pm – Ate dinner at Steakhouse , then walk around and listen to music performance

11pm – rest

Day 3 (9 July)

7am – woke up to have our breakfast

1130am – check out and another driver Mr. Xue ( NT 3000 ) fetch us to 2 locations 1) Tian Mu farm to watch “Cao Ni Ma” cute camel face sheep with long neck and 2) Lavender Cottage at Sin She. These 2 places are pretty inaccessible so you definitely need a driver to take you there if you are interested.

6pm – Check into “In One City Hotel” at Taichung, just minutes walk away from the popular Feng Jia Night Market. Wash up quickly and then went to night market

12am – zzzzzzz

Day 4 (10 July)

8am - Woke up later to have breakfast as the hotel

12pm – checked out and walk to bus stop where there is a free shuttle bus (abt 20 mins ride) to take us to Taichung HSR Station where we can take HSR to Taipei (700NT each) about 1 hr

230 pm – HSR Reach Taipei Main Station ( their most important hub where all the transport can link. Like our City hall ) and from there we transferred to MRT to Ximen station where out hotel is just above. ( can buy You-You Card for taking MRT and use it for purchase at the MRT stations shops any amt unused can be refunded end of the trip )

3pm – check into City Inn Plus at Ximenting .

4pm – had a KFC lunch and Explore Ximenting

7pm – had dinner at one of the stall selling ( fried oyster, fried rice etc ) after dinner continue to walk ard XMT ( at night the peddlers will all come out when the shop closes selling cardigans, food, t-shirts caricature drawing etc )

9pm – did foot massage ( about 1 hour NT400 )

12am – zzzzzzzzz

Day 5 ( 11 July )

9am – woke up later and take MRT to Taipei Main station and have brunch ( sushi and fried chicken ), explore the area than take MRT to ZhongXiao East Road to walk around . there are some small indie shops selling interesting artistic stuffs there but maybe we went too early too hot to walk too much

4pm – had early dinner at Ding Tai Fung and after that shop ard the area for awhile more

6pm – Located Hello Kitty Cafe down the road and had desserts ( min spend must be NT300 per pax and can stay for 1.5 hrs inside )

8pm – Went back to XMT walk awhile and went back to rest

Day 6 ( 12 July )

7am – woke up early to take MRT to Taipei Main Station, after which catch old school TRA train to Ruifang Station.

11am - From Ruifang station we take a train to Shifen Old Street and explore the area ( this is an old coal mining town ) there is a huge waterfall at the top of the town but need a transport to bring you up. This is also the place where people release the Tian Deng ( sky Lanterns )

3pm – took TRA back to Ruifang and take a bus from across the street to go up JiuFen (old gold mining town)

5pm – Reach Jiufen and walk around the area ( try the famous taro balls) .

7pm – Took a bus down to Ruifang station and take TRA back to Taipei Main station. Had some snacks at Taipei Main Station and took train back to XMT. Bought instant noodles and sushi back to hotel to eat.

Day 7 ( 13 July )

9am – woke up later to eat famous Ya Rou Bian ( duck meat vermicelli ) located just down the road from our hotel for breakfast. After which we went to sweet shops to get some gifts and ate Mango Ice

3pm – went back hotel to rest awhile and wash up.

5pm – Took MRT to Jiantan station and to Shilin Night Market . Eat and shop there till late .

11pm – Go back and refund our You-You Card

Day 8 (14 July)

10am – woke up late and bought breakfast ( coffee and sandwiches ) across the road back to eat at hotel. Wash up and final packing

12pm – check out but left our barangs at hotel lobby. Went to XMT to do final shopping ( bought some local products from “Gang Ji” like Sun biscuits and Green Bean cake ) Bought sushi back to lobby lounge to eat and relax while we wait for our driver to take us to airport ( NT 1100 )

420pm - Driver arrive to pick us

530pm – Reach Taoyuan airport and check in for our flight back at 720pm

1145pm – Reach SG ;o)

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