Thursday 28 March 2013

SAFRA Toa Payoh Escapade

Took leave yesterday with the intention of spending some time with wifey before she starts her new job.

We initially wanted to visit SAFRA Mt Faber again so that I can use up my E-mart credit before April but chose the newly opened Toa Payoh eventually since we haven’t been there before.

We had a tough time locating the clubhouse as the bus that we took stopped us relatively far away and the task was not made easier in the hot weather. *perspire* We finally found the building after walking and searching for about half an hour.

Finally found YOU!
Once we reached, we had our breakfast at MacDonald’s. We both had egg mcmuffin meal and it comes with free taro/apple pies for SAFRA members. It started to rain midway through our meal and so we just sat there at the comfy chair and chit chat.
Our Brekkie


After our breakfast, we rested awhile before trying the message chair to soothe our tired muscles and then its off to the pool once it opens at 1230pm and the lightning alert was lifted.

The pool was big and relatively empty so we had our leisurely laps plus some bo liao games such as holding our breath underwater (wifey won) and running across the shallow pool which I won... haha we must have looked rather silly to the lifeguard.
Pool view from the carpark - human aquarium

my fav-lying on the deck chair and reading
After the swim, we washed up and then had our lunch at Aston’s.

root beer and wifey combo

this is becoming our fav pose
I had a delicious sirloin and wifey stuck to her black pepper fish.

We also shared a cup of root beer float ... ah comfort drink. We left the place abt 3ish and that walked back to Toa Payoh Central. It was then that i realised that it was so near. I should have taken 153 to TPY Central and walked over instead of stopping at Jln Bahagia. It would have saved plenty of trouble i am sure.

While at Toa Payoh Central , wifey bought some facial products and toiletries from the Watsons members sale and then we headed home after walking around at popular bookshop. It was quite tiring but fulfilling day with wifey.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Remember My Footprints in The Sand

last evening, i wrote a simple song for my wifey. It goes like this...

I asked the Lord, do you hear my cry

I asked the Lord, will you see my tears

As I walked through this valley dark and deep

I long to hear Your voice again

My child I love you

I’ll never let you go

This bouquet of flowers is for you

When the times are dark remember this song

Remember My footprints in the sand

its my first time putting together some lyrics and tune out of nothing and I pray that it will encourage wifey as much as it will encourage me.

Friday 8 March 2013

Meet Up - Part 2

Had another meet up with the lads the night before.

After much discussion, we decided on Golden Spoon at Tiong Bahru (again ??!!) following Roy’s recommendation.

Sebby, Heidi , Fongster , Roy, wifey and myself were there . Too bad Huatz couldn’t make it at the last minute.

We ordered their famous Crab Bee Hoon, chilli crab, Pumpkin Tofu, Braised black beans bitter gourd fish head, salted egg pork ribs and spinach in 3 types of eggs.

Total bill came up to a whopping $359, mainly because of the crab which we ordered 3 at about $60 each ... overall the food is average but I like the fact that wifey and my best friends get to meet each other and mingle freely.

As usual, there were lots of laughing as we reminisced about the good ol’ army days and some private was really enjoyable. Something which I certainly hope we can have more of... at a much affordable place though... prata anyone?

Wednesday 6 March 2013

My return to S League

Last night, I finally returned to the Queenstown Stadium to watch an S league game after a hiatus of more than a decade.

I had a simple dinner at the MRT and then walked over after work and there was a hive of activities outside the stadium.

Saw some familiar faces ( fans who used to follow TPUFC ) milling about there and it was quite a nice feeling to be amongst the crowd once again.

It was good that I managed to get some free season passes which will guarantee free soccer for the rest of the year.

Wifey, Matt, Dad and Mike joined me for the game which ended 1-1 (Ramdani scoring off a free kick just before half time only for Harimau Muda to equalise 15 mins before full time)

It was waste that we cannot collect maximum points but I guess a draw is a fair result for the night.

All in all, it was a rather good game to watch and i will definitely return for the next game. Really hope that the S League can take off and the crowd return to the stadiums to boost the atmosphere.

Also for TPUFC to capture the elusive championship soon. If not this season, maybe the next.

Go Jaguars!