Friday 8 March 2013

Meet Up - Part 2

Had another meet up with the lads the night before.

After much discussion, we decided on Golden Spoon at Tiong Bahru (again ??!!) following Roy’s recommendation.

Sebby, Heidi , Fongster , Roy, wifey and myself were there . Too bad Huatz couldn’t make it at the last minute.

We ordered their famous Crab Bee Hoon, chilli crab, Pumpkin Tofu, Braised black beans bitter gourd fish head, salted egg pork ribs and spinach in 3 types of eggs.

Total bill came up to a whopping $359, mainly because of the crab which we ordered 3 at about $60 each ... overall the food is average but I like the fact that wifey and my best friends get to meet each other and mingle freely.

As usual, there were lots of laughing as we reminisced about the good ol’ army days and some private was really enjoyable. Something which I certainly hope we can have more of... at a much affordable place though... prata anyone?

1 comment:

  1. definitely!!! always wonderful to be with best friends and war buddies.. do bring the wifey out with us in future.. just make sure she completes her BMT..
