Friday 19 July 2013

Foot Reflex and a Hike

Last Fridays evening, I secretly arranged a foot relexology session for wifey and myself at Sole Relax. Bought the package from Groupon at $48 for 2 pax for a 40mins foot reflex plus 20 mins of back massage.

I kept it a from wifey and only revealed to her at the last minute. The foot reflex was painful and both of us were enduring the pain throughout. Wifey got a more chatty messeur and he was doing most of the talking.. hehe.
After the session, we went to have dinner at the coffeshop at Lorong Mambong. We ordered a sambal stingray and ladyfingers. I found it quite nice but wifey does not really really the ladyfinger as its too soggy. After that, we went home.

Saturday morning, we went for hiking at Bukit Timah Hill. Seems like its my first time there and we took the yellow route (or was it the green one?) Anyway, the hike itself was manageable as some of us ( me , wifey, Judy , David, Liyin and Cindy ) took the easier way which is to walk the slope. One thing good is that the weather on that day was fantastic. Nice and balmy… ;)

when walking down a steep slope...lean back

 We finished the hike in about an hour or so and went for lunch at Bukit Timah market then went home to rest. Dinner was steamboat at at Ah Pang. Tried to cook an omelette but i think i have burnt their steamboat. At night, we attempted to finish Jiayun’s puzzle but managed only to complete about 75% of it. It was so tiring to complete a puzzle, ended up sleeping about 2+ a.m @@

Sunday , went for service and this is the first time in many many weeks the whole LG is present. Its good to see everyone again. In the afternoon I brought Matt and Mick for their soccer practice but too bad the training was cancelled on that day, what a coincidence. My first time bringing the kids and the session was being called off because the field was locked.

At night, wifey and myself went to Vivocity. She bought 2 pairs of jeans from Kitschen and we also used up both our vouchers from the tray return campaign for our dinner. Firstly was the delicious Grilled Taxes Chicken, than followed by the humongous Carl’s Jr portebello mushroom burger . It was like a 2.5X whopper.. good thing we shared everything. It was very nice though. Always good to use vouchers. Oh and she also tried on a Chelsea jersey, very cool indeed.

We then walked around Vivo for awhile more and than decided to head home, only to realise that it was showering outside! No wonder it was so cold in the mall…

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