Tuesday 7 October 2014

Keep Calm & Look Up, We Go Again...

“Keep Calm and Look Up” was a sermon done by my church last year.

The title serves as a reminder to me that as a Christ follower I am to keep calm when I get anxious and to look up when the going gets tough and when I get weary.

Because I am living in a fallen world, when I look around me, I may see things that inevitably disappoint, hurt and distract me. But when I look up, I find resilience, comfort, hope, wisdom and truth from the source of all good things. By intentionally fixing my eyes on the Lord, I can then see things and people in a much better perspective and with much more grace too.

“We Go Again” was a rally cry issued by Liverpool’s captain Steven Gerrard during their failed assault at the league title last season. Immediately after a hard-earned victory over the mighty Manchester City, he huddled his teammates in a circle and urged them to forget about that victory and focus on the next game. “this game is gone” he said. “this does not slip now, we go to Norwich, Exactly the same. We go Again”

It was goose bump when I saw that on TV and i believe that image and those words will stay on my mind for a very very long time. (even though they still lost the title ultimately)

It became my personal rallying cry too. When times are good, when times are challenging, when you get the praises, do not let it go to your head and when you get the critics, do not let it keep you down.

If they are true, try to reflect and do better and if they are false, God will vindicate eventually.

Whatever is it.. keep calm and look up, we go again.

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