Wednesday 10 December 2014

7th Wedding Anniversary

Last week, we celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary.

As per our usual practice, we took the opportunity to clear some of our leaves during that period.
Here is what we did…

24th November (Monday)

As wifey wasn’t feeling too well, I let her sleep in longer while I did some vacuuming and mopping. What better anniversary gift to present to your wife than to be greeted by a spick and span home, first thing in the morning? ;o) 

In the past, we’ll probably have insisted to start the day real early and then line it up with plenty of activities (breakfast, swimming, movies etc…) but I decided that this year will be a simpler affair. A time of rest for the both of us and spending the days at a more leisurely pace.

Wifey woke up in the late morning and we went over to have lunch at Alexandra Village.

We had roast meat & duck rice with a plate of vegetable.

After lunch, we walked over to Anchor point and bumped into small Eugene. Wifey managed to get a kitten top from one of the stall. We then walked back home. Weather was rather wet, so it’s good to stay home.

Dinner was something special! we made use of a Groupon voucher for WA Dining – the crab bar

It was located at UE Square and we had a little bit of problem locating the restaurant BUT as usual, we managed to find the place after some pre-dinner navigation.

It was a nearly empty restaurant that we walked in to, so it feels as though we have reserved the whole place to ourselves. Isn’t it nice…?

Wifey tried her Instax8 Polaroid camera for the very first time at the restaurant J

We then placed our orders of 2 crabs (white pepper and chilli) and a plate of bread.

The voucher also entitled us to a pint of beer and soft drink plus complimentary dessert kiwi puree.

My initial fears that the crab would be very small and not enough to fill our tummies were unfounded as they brought in 2 crabs of fairly big size. We had a very delicious, satisfying and filling meal on that night,
After dinner, we took a stroll to Clarke Quay, taking a few photos along the way with the Christmas decorations before heading home.

25th November (Tuesday)

Had some mom-cooked porridge for lunch before heading to GV Vivo City for our movie date. We went to catch the highly rated “Interstellar”.
As we were early, we went to get wifey her daily coffee fix and the choco thingy at St Marc’s.

Even though I am not really a fan of Sci-Fi, I found the movie quite nice though wifey felt that it was overrated. I am glad I can understand Christopher Nolan’s film a bit better now as compared to “Inception” .
Dinner was at Burger King as I had craving for that. After dinner we went to the roof top to take more photos of the Christmas deco.


We also rested on the bench and just listened to Christmas carols playing on the speakers while enjoying the breeze.
26th November (Wednesday)

Went to KKH in the morning before heading to OG Albert Complex where wifey finally got her fit flop sandals which she has set her eyes on for a very long time. Hope that this pair will really help her backache problem and not cause any pain while walking. We than walked over to Bugis Junction and bought some Christmas presents at BHG. It was a rainy day as usual so we were feeling quite cold at the mall…

For dinner, my initial plan was to bring wifey to Por Kee to try the tomyum fish and champagne ribs but to our dismay, it was closed when we reached Tiong Bahru.

Thankfully, we managed to settle our dinner at the Thai Food Stall at Tiong Bahru Market.


 Wanted to try the cafĂ© after dinner but we were too full.
Thanks God for the time spent with each other as we look forward to creating many more beautiful memories together as we continue to grow our marriage with Jesus... even if its just doing the simple things in life... 

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