Friday 26 December 2014

Christmas 2014

Went Harbourfront with wifey to have a soupy dinner on Christmas eve as she is not feeling too well. We tried The Orange Lantern for the first time. (we often passed by but never once tried) we ordered 2 beef noodles and a plate of vegetables to share... good for a rainy evening.

After dinner, we walked over to Vivocity and bumped into Deb+Mike+troopers who were getting their new iphone. That is where we noticed how tall Matt has grown ;) stayed with them for awhile before we continued our shopping. We went into SK jewellery to look at the "dancing star ", Yankee Candles, and the art/craft shop and then to Daiso where we bought some hangers and a duster. 
As it was getting late and also colder in the mall, we decided to head home after that. Outside of Vivo, the decorations were beautiful.

At home, we watched some T.V. and then at 11pm, decided to unwrap our presents under the Christmas tree ;o)

Wifey also prepared a beautiful card for me and left it in the mailbox to surprise me in the afternoon when I returned from work. cheeky;
It was 1am when we finished unwrapping all those presents... and so we went to bed to rest.
Christmas Day! woke up early to clean up the house. It has been a month since I last did that and our floor is sure in need of a thorough vacuum/mop treatment. I also kept the Christmas tree (see  you next year)
Went for lunch at the market (fishball noodles + roti prata) and saw someone who looked soooo much like Neil Humphreys. I asked him if he is Neil but he said no... hmmm.... anyway, I packed a chicken drumstick hor fun for wifey and went home to continue with the chores. Wifey later helped to keep those presents and cleared the fridge..
In the afternoon, I went down with Mick to play with our R.C. cars... mine was much faster than his ..ha and he kept insisting it was the batteries ;}
Matt came down shortly and we played some ball too before going up for our dinner.
Deb prepared baked cod fish and we also have potato salad, vege salad, soup and some finger food to go with it. It was a nice dinner to end off Christmas 2014.
Here's wishing wifey, and our family and love ones a great year ahead filled with God's presence, blessings and favour.


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