Friday 2 January 2015

Dipping Our Toes into the New Year

Yesterday was the first day of the new year. Wifey and I woke up early for a morning stroll at the Botanic Gardens

Even though the Botanic Gardens was quite near our house, it has been quite some time since we last visited.

It was a nice way to dip our toes into 2015, enjoying the crisp and fresh morning air amidst lush greeneries together... in an unhurried manner, just like this graceful swan swimming in the lake

Even though it drizzled a little, the squirrels were out to play.. and how pleased was wifey to greet her little friends scurrying about again...

I wasn't fast nor am I stealthy enough to take an actual close-up shot of wife's furry friend so this is something I downloaded from the net... ha ha..cute?

some more pictures we took along the way...

and 2 hours later, we emerged from another exit

We then walked over to the nearby Serene Centre and had our McDonald's Breakfast. Wifey had hotcakes meal while I took the breakfast deluxe. And we brought back 2 balloons for Glen and GiGi

It was a nice time spent with wifey.

After that, we took a bus home to put down our stuffs and went out again with folks to visit grandpa... very coincidentally, aunt Jessie/Uncle Bobby and Uncle Jimmy/Aunt Winnie were there too... feels very much like Chinese New Year then.

We sat for sometime there and then went over to Clementi Mall to resolve the watch issue. After looking at the selection for quite some time, wifey couldn't find something she like to replace her Skagen, so ended up I chose a Fossil Watch for myself and topped up a little bit more. Felt really bad that her present became mine in the end...

A little bit tired, we headed home after that together with folks.

wifey then rested for awhile before going up for dinner and then we went down and completed our Royal Caribbean Scrapbook for my parents, thanks wifey for her invaluable help to stick those little seashells etc... they looked very pleased to received that memento of our family retreat last month.

It was a fruitful day indeed... I pray that Year 2015 will be very fruitful too.


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