Tuesday 13 January 2015

Milky Way + Jpot = The Theory of Everything

Last Saturday we went wifey's favourite clay pot frog leg porridge at Chinatown. After that, we walked the streets for awhile before heading home. One of the shop we visited was

TinTin with his sidekick doggy "snowy"

Captain "Billions of Blistering Barnacles" Haddock

Tin Tin was one of my favourite comic during my growing up years (together with Asterix and Journey to the West ) . I always borrowed these books whenever I visit the library and I will spend countless hours devouring them.

Thus, it is nice to see a shop dedicated to this comic character.

In the evening, we tried this Ramen shop that Yilong has recommended.

It is along Bugi Street and the concept is that there are 4 seasons of ramen for the diner to select. Each with a distinct taste in line with that particular season.

Autumn Ramen

Wifey and I chose the Autumn set (mushroom based soup). It was nice to begin with but gets a bit heavy towards the end and wifey couldn't really finish her portion. So as her Hubby knight with a bulging tummy, I went to her rescue and helped her finish off the monstrous Ramen.

we finished the meal with light and refreshing Yuzu sorbet. 

As we had an early dinner, we have some time left for shopping at Bugis Street and wifey got for herself some dresses and a bag ;o)

we then took a stroll to Chimes and saw "Prive". Nice ambience and we have shortlisted that place for either our birthday/wedding anniversary celebration.

On Sunday, we tried Milky Way for the very first time. We had waffles with ice cream

with a cup of latte

Milky Way is a nice and clean cut café situated at Tanglin Halt. its a good place to just chill and chit chat if its not crowded.

Monday was an off day for us and we took the opportunity to visit Jpot! we have always wanted to try the steamboat here and we finally got the chance when I purchased the Groupon promotion. As it can only be used during the weekdays and to ensure we can eat at a leisurely and non crowded environment, we decided to clear a day of our leave just for this ;o) some pictures below.

nice bag?

J Superior Broth and Fish Head Soup Base

treasuring the time spent with my little darling

Set D

Doesn't it look like hotel buffet setting?

Wifey on the border of Twilight Zone

We ordered the set lunch for 2 and some additional dishes like beancurd, sliced fish and prawns. It was more than enough for the both of us.

After lunch, we walked a bit to digest the food while looking at some awesome toys such as

He Man - Master of the Universe



Love this! WWII Cap. Am. Vintage Figurine... Cool

We then caught the 410pm show "Theory of Everything"


 It was a truly touching and engaging movie.

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