Thursday 22 October 2015

My Mentors

Last evening, I met up with Danny at Ootoya at Clementi Mall.

It has been quite some time since we catch up and quite a fair bit of changes has happened since then.

We updated each other on each other’s life, plans, concerns etc.. it was, I feel, a rather relaxing and refreshing time although things have not been going swimmingly well for us.

With the upcoming changes happening in terms of ministry, I am not sure how many more times will we meet.

Thus, I am all the more appreciative of and treasure the time talking to him.


Danny is my third “mentor/shepherd” in Hope. After August and Des. All of them are great man and have their own unique strength and personality which I can learn a lot from.

For August, it will be his wicked wit and humour and strength in the Word. Very authentic and simple man with really deep content within him.  

As for Desmond. He is another very witty guy. Non conformist but caring and humble.

For Danny. I suppose he is the one whom I spent most time in the trench with, in terms of DMM, planning, executing the various programmes for the group. He has walked with me during my very difficult times in his own simple ways (like buying dinner over to my place to eat and chat together etc) and for that, I am truly grateful.

I can see that despite his many internal challenges and struggles, he ultimately wants to grow together, serve alongside each other, be authentic, honest and honour God with whatever decisions and actions that he took.

And because of that, Danny has my complete trust (as in, I am comfortable to tell him my struggles, fears and challenges without fearing I will be judged).

I thank God for Danny and all the different mentors that God has placed in my life. They are mighty important in my walk with Him.

Monday 19 October 2015

Night Out at Harry's and a Simple Sunday Dinner

Last Saturday afternoon, wifey and I went down to Suntec City because she had signed up to attend the workshop “Up-cycle your Denim” organised by PA at the Public Service Day Event.
There, she learnt how to sew a holder using the materials provided to her.

It was rather tedious as the cloth is quite thick and she did well to complete her “project”. ( Well done, dear.

After the workshop which took about an hour, we left the place in search of dinner. Along the way, wifey saw a polka dot dress which she liked and so we got it. Just nice for her upcoming company’s Dinner and Dance  in November which is Retro theme.
We decided to get out of Suntec because it was getting too cold inside for me and we do not know what to eat there, so we decided to walk towards Chijmes and have our dinner at Harry’s Bar while waiting for the soccer game to begin.
It was Jurgen Klopp’s debut as our new manager, so I was very interested to see what kind of performance the team will put out. Initially I was worried that the menu will be very limited there as wifey doesn’t realy like fried western food and it was a bar after all, however my worries were rather unfounded as they do have quite a comprehensive selection of food.
So we chose a nice seat, just by the entrance which is not so warm and ordered our food.

We ordered Mushroom pizza with truffle oil (excellent) - $22

Chicken Wings (super) - $13

Harry’s signature burger (average) - $19

And a glass of orange juice (nice) - $5
The portion was huge and we over ordered… but not a problem as we packed the leftover pizza for our lunch the next day.
The match ended 0-0 but I enjoyed it greatly. The atmosphere was very good at Harry’s and I had wifey beside me, really blessed.

On Sunday, we went home after service to finish up our pizza and then prepared the food for dinner. I have gotten a black chicken from the market on Saturday intending to boil it with the herbs bought from ZTP last week.
I went to NYUC to get a packet of veges and some groceries while wifey stayed home to boil the soup and prepare the garlic…
Our soup that night was a tad diluted. Probably too much water for the amount of ingredients and herbs we had but its fine, we will fine tune it and learn from mistake the next time round.
Vege (Nai Bai) was good and we managed to finish all the rice that evening.
After cleaning up, we had our rest. Tired and fully satisfied of the time we spent together over the weekend, doing the things each other enjoy.

Monday 12 October 2015

Late Friday Night Dinner at Kok Sen

Last Friday evening, wifey felt like having prawn noodles for dinner.

So after our bath, we decided to try Kok Sen at Keong Saik Street. It has been a while since we go out for a late dinner.

We do not know the exact location of the famous eatery but I reckon it should not be too difficult to find because the street is only that small.

So we left the house about 7+ and took a bus down.


I have always wanted to try Kok Sen ever since I read about it in “ieatishootipost” a couple of months back but was put off by the thought of having to wait a long time for a table or food to arrive as described by those who have been there before.

This time though, since its late already I was hoping the crowd will be lesser and we are not THAT hungry, so can afford to wait a bit.


We reached Keong Saik and found the coffeeshop in about 5 mins, just by the main road.

It was still rather crowded but we managed to get seated immediately. When we ordered, their famous Yong Tau Foo and bittergourd with pork ribs were sold out, so we ordered the Big Prawn Bee Hoon Soup ($16)

big prawn Hor Fun ($16)

and a plate of fermented beancurd lettuce ($9).

We nearly forgo our orders because we thought the staff who took down our dishes did not do so. It was quite disorganised as there were lots of customers.

 Portion was quite alright and taste of the food were robust as reviewed. Wifey likes the bee hoon soup as it was spicy and flavourful… however the more we eat , the more we found the food very salty.

Maybe next time when we try again, we will order “lighter” food like the tofu and pork ribs that the uncle and auntie opposite us ordered. But I still hoped to try their famous claypot YTF.

*by the way the banana tree café that we wanted to try is just 2 units away ;o) . Next time!