Monday 25 January 2016

KAINOS – A New Beginning (Vision Sunday 2016)

Year 2016-2020 will be the next lap. Text: Isaiah 43:14-21
Ps Jeff

  1. Remembrance – God’s Work in Our Lives (V16-17)
    Exodus 14:21-22 , Exodus 14:26-27 (Moses, crossing the red sea event)
    Remembering how the sea was separated, remembering how God snuffed out the enemies completely.
    Dismember (take apart) v.s. Remember (assemble the broken separated parts)
    Because God doesn’t write fragmented short stories.
    The same God who brings us from where we were to where we are is going to be the same God who brings us from where we are to where He wants us to be.
    From glory to glory.
    God’s purpose, heartbeat never change.
  2. Reliance – God’s Guidance for Our Future (v18-19)  
    Same God, different way.
    In the past it is dry land from sea
    Now it is Streams from wasteland
    Neos – new in terms of time, latest on the scene
    KAINOS – new in quality, fresh in development.
    Faith, NOT formula pleases God (vocabulary encapsulates concept)
    Why Not?
    Not Why?
    Weekday services.
    (4 Sept 2016-  First New Regional Centre)
    Darkness is not an entity. It is the mere absence of Light
  3. Relationship – God’s Heart Towards Us. (v14-15, 20-21)
    Jer 9:23-24


Wednesday 20 January 2016

Hydrangeas Surprise

Last Thursday (14 Jan ) , I ordered a bouquet of her favourite hydrangeas to be delivered to wifey’s office.

That was the first time I got her flowers since she started working in NEA.

I wanted to do that during our anniversary and Christmas period last year but did not really put my intention into action.

I am glad I managed to pull it off now. I am also happy that wifey was pleasantly surprised by it. I pray I will always be inspired to bring her pleasant surprises throughout our marriage… sometimes they may be delayed but by God’s grace it shall always be delivered… one by one.

Monday 4 January 2016

Wholesome Dinner by Chef Marc

2 days ago (Saturday) I made pan-fried marmite-salmon for dinner.

It was a commendable effort as it was quite tasty.

However, the thick middle portion wasn’t too cooked, so towards the end,  I put it back into the pan and fried it awhile more. Need to improve on this.

Last Saturday, I steamed Hong Kong Style Cod Fish. 2 weeks of wholesome dinner (patting myself on the back) hehe… Hope dearie enjoyed both meals.

Leaving our Past Behind

Title: Leaving our Past Behind

Text: 1 Tim 1:12-17

Preacher: Ps Simon Eng

  1. Be honest to face our past … and admit to God our wrong (v13,15)
    Paul was honest about his own past when he described how we was before, even though it was not something to be proud of.
    In order for us to find healing and grace of God from our past, we have to confront it.
    Top 3 negatives from the past

  1. Regrets about things done and not done. Missed opportunities, mistakes made.
    Do not carry regrets into the New Year.
  2. Difficult experiences resulting in bad memories, causing phobias, fears.
  3. Painful relationships causing hurts, disappointments, regrets, bitterness or un forgiveness

Face them with God in the picture. Find room in our hearts to Glorify God! (v17)

God knows the amount of pain and tears we have shed.

Do not be defined, condemned by our past, instead, let it decorate our life. John 21:15-17

  1. Learn from our past (v13b-14, 16a)
    Take time to do some reflections.
    Nobody has all the answers yet. Things are not perfect but God will reveal his answer and grace to us.
    Book Recommendation: The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus,
    Calling Timeline example
    3 Major Areas of Learning

  1. Learn about our journey
    We all go through 4 mountain tops and 3 valley lows
  2. Learn about God
    God is both in our mountain top experiences and the valley deep lows.
    Exercise our mind, will emotion to be in tune with Him.
    Paul received God’s strength (v12)
    Paul received God’s grace (v13, 16)
    Paul received God’s abundant grace (v14)
    Do not glorify our past and pain. When we spend time thinking about those, we are glorifying it instead of God.
  3. Learn about ourselves

  • When in the valleys, allow God to deal with ourselves.
  • Do not point fingers at others
  • Look deep within our own being

  1. Move on from our past (v17)
    Do not remain in the past, we must move on.
    Faith: the unexpected good can happen!
    Hope: the better is coming, we’ve turned the corner, spring is coming the winter is over.
    Love: to believe and trust in people (again) ; to love with His love.
    Gen 41:51
    Joseph moved on; Joseph’s 2 sons:
    Manasseh: God has made me forget all my troubles and all my father’s household.
    Ephraim: God has made me fruitful.
    Believe that God will make me fruitful