Monday 25 January 2016

KAINOS – A New Beginning (Vision Sunday 2016)

Year 2016-2020 will be the next lap. Text: Isaiah 43:14-21
Ps Jeff

  1. Remembrance – God’s Work in Our Lives (V16-17)
    Exodus 14:21-22 , Exodus 14:26-27 (Moses, crossing the red sea event)
    Remembering how the sea was separated, remembering how God snuffed out the enemies completely.
    Dismember (take apart) v.s. Remember (assemble the broken separated parts)
    Because God doesn’t write fragmented short stories.
    The same God who brings us from where we were to where we are is going to be the same God who brings us from where we are to where He wants us to be.
    From glory to glory.
    God’s purpose, heartbeat never change.
  2. Reliance – God’s Guidance for Our Future (v18-19)  
    Same God, different way.
    In the past it is dry land from sea
    Now it is Streams from wasteland
    Neos – new in terms of time, latest on the scene
    KAINOS – new in quality, fresh in development.
    Faith, NOT formula pleases God (vocabulary encapsulates concept)
    Why Not?
    Not Why?
    Weekday services.
    (4 Sept 2016-  First New Regional Centre)
    Darkness is not an entity. It is the mere absence of Light
  3. Relationship – God’s Heart Towards Us. (v14-15, 20-21)
    Jer 9:23-24


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