Friday 18 March 2011

Honest To God - Bill Hybels

Recently, I have just completed the book “Honest To God?” by Bill Hybels.

I like Bill Hybels’s book because he is a humorous writer. There are also a lot of his real life experiences to illustrate the points that he made in the books he wrote.

This book talks about being an authentic Christian. I think all Christians has a deep longing and desire to be REAL. However, it is easier said than done and many good intentions remain just as that.
Our desires to be authentic are often compromised by the wrong choices we make in the face of pressure and difficult situations. The values of the world also confuses us as to what is our stand on different issues and areas of our life such as relationship, our job etc.

This book gives an insight on how we should respond and answer the questions we have on how to be authentic. It teaches us biblical standards and most importantly teaches us how to go about applying it in our daily life.

I enjoyed this book a lot and I think it is very helpful to me.

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