Friday 8 February 2013

M R Loh!

This is an overdue posting. On 1st Feb 2013 I reached a new milestone of my life; I received the much coveted “Cert and watch” set which free me from all NS obligations.


Yes! I have fulfilled the necessary 7 High Key ICT and that means that I do not need to go back for any more in camp training as well as take my IPPT ;o)

Good news indeed and looking back, times really flew by. Looking at my fellow platoon mates, I still can’t believe i have known them for 15 years already...

almost garang bunk mates

Indeed, they say that you go in a boy and come out a man... i won’t deny the part army played in maturing me. Also i am so thankful to have meet such great buddies like Sebby , Roy, Fongster and Ah Huat in ATEC

Pathfinders ( Last ICT 21 Jan - 1 Feb 2013 )
Thanks for the invaluable memories and the friendship forged... Never forget! ;o)

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