Friday 27 December 2013

Clearing our Annual Leaves

Wifey and I have been clearing our annual leaves this month on the Mondays.
They were much welcome breaks as we spent time with each other to just relax.

On the 16th December, we visited Tim Ho Wan at Plaza Sing. This famous tim sum restaurant has received much publicity for being Michelin star rated so we wanted to try it at least once.

Before leaving for THW, we saw the kids playing at the badminton court. And they were racing! So of course this kooks wanted to show who is the fastest man around. I challenged my nephew to a race and in the final sprint, my legs went soft, off balance and I fell on my fours…. Scrapped my toe and blood was oozing out… oh man what an embarrassment.

Went up, wash my wound and put on a band aid and then finally set off for PS, fully regretting the race earlier on.

We arrived at PS a bit later than expected because of what happened and a rather long queue has already formed at the entrance of THW. Wifey queued while I visited the toilet and when I came out, it was nearly our turn. We chatted with the lady and her daughter in front of us and they would later sit next to us to as we enjoy our food. We ordered their 4 heavenly kings which included Char Siew Bao, pig liver chu chang fen, malay cake and carrot cake. We also ordered pork ribs and steam chicken in fish maw.

The food was quite nice although the space was a bit small. Not a place to hang around for too long. After our brunch, we walked around PS and see if there is any interesting movie to catch. We also had a cuppa at Starbucks because wifey was having a bit of migraine so we took the chance to rest a bit longer at SB. I bought a box of English Breakfast tea from here as well as one of the present.

When she is slightly better, we went to get the office Secret Santa present from Faceshop and we went over to Vivo City. Wifey wanted to get her flip flops but in the end did not manage to get it. We went for dinner at Seah Inn. Wifey had fish slice soup and we had 2 plates of the delicious roast pork rice with a plate of vegetables.
After dinner, we used a pair of my free movie vouchers to watch Captain Philips

It was a very engaging movie which kept us at the edge of the seat throughout. I love the last 10 minutes of the show when Tom Hanks was being rescued and the traumatised Captain Philips let his bottled up emotions all out.. it was a poignant scene, very touching and fully deserving of the Oscars

On 23rd December, we went for breakfast at Funan Centre’s McDonald’s. After breakfast, I walked over for my complimentary facial at Touche at Bugis. Had a good session of treatment and felt very relaxed after that although my eyes were feeling tired and my face a bit painful. After my treatment I walked over to meet wifey at City Hall and then we had a late lunch at zhen zhen. We shared a plate of yee mee and potato leaves. We then walked over to shop at Bugis Street and before leaving for mother in law’s place for dinner, bought some bed sheets from OG.

This is how we spent 2 days of our annual leaves.

Thursday 26 December 2013

Better , Make it Happen

As we approach the end of 2013, 2 words/phrases have been in my mind quite often. One is “Better” another is “Make it Happen”. I believe that if there is a theme for the coming year, those 2 phrases sums up nicely what I hope to be.

Better… because I want to be a better person than before. I do not want to compare myself or be compared to another person but I want to compare myself with who I was a year ago. I want to be a better son, husband, brother, son-in-law, LGL, friend, employee than I was before.

Danny always tells us that if we were to focus on just one or two area to improve on every year, than we will become a much better person over the years. I truly believe in that concept and will work on 1-2 area in my life. It may be an attitude, a skill, a habit or way of doing things. If I can commit it to God, God can help me to be better.

Make it Happen because many times, I have allowed plans and ideas to die off. I have lacked the discipline, courage or necessary expertise to do certain things and I did not even want to start on it. A couple of months ago, during the GLS, Bill Hybels mentioned something on this area. That many God given ideas or inspiration were being killed off prematurely and as a result it did not get out to the intended recipients of those ideas. That is bad stewardship. So I have to believe that if God wants me to do something, he will provide me with the necessary help to accomplish it. The statement If God brings you to it, He will brings you through it have to be internalised within me.  

Christmas 2013

Christmas this year was an intimate affair with wifey and folks. Deb’s family were on their Malaysia road-trip so we decided to spend time with mom and dad.

On Saturday (21st Dec) wifey treated me to a delicious sushi dinner at the basement of 313 after a whole day of household chore. The restaurant is called Sushi Express and it’s a new place to me although she have already tried a couple of times with her colleagues.

One thing about wifey is that she is always excited to bring me to places which she have patronised and found the food nice because she does not want me to miss out… haha. Appreciate her thoughtfulness. We had about 18 plates of sushi @$1.50 per plate and tried many interesting dishes like abalone, scallop which normally cost much more at other places. So it was a very worthwhile deal.

After dinner, we went for some more Christmas Shopping at Takashimaya. Before that, I also bought a birdie ring in secret for her at Stroberi.

I love Takashimaya during Christmas as the atmosphere is always so festive and we spent quite a bit of time at the Watson’s and event hall which is selling their usual Christmas stuffs. After getting the presents, we strolled along Orchard Road and stopped by to listen to some carols.

Although the crowd was swell, the nice balmy weather makes it so comfortable to just stand there and relax. I gave wifey the ring in the midst of the performance but she already suspected… aiyah. We left the place about 11 pm after the last song and took a bus back home.

Sunday (22nd Dec) , woke up early and had breakfast before bringing folks to attend our Christmas Service. This year’s drama was very touching as usual and folks were tearing as they watched the story of how God intervene and did a miracle in the life of one of our church member who was addicted to gambling. Really respect and thank God for Uncle Xu De Cai for his willingness and courage to share his testimony to be used in this year’s drama. I am very sure there were hardly any dry eyes during the service. I believe and hope that God has planted a seed into my parents heart as they listen and think about the message which was being shared on that day. May they be able to come to know Jesus eventually.

After service, we went for lunch at Army Market. It was a cosy lunch as I have my parents joining my LG people for this meal. We went home soon after and I did some drawing with wifey as she did some wrapping… it was a lazy afternoon

In the evening, we brought folks to Seah Inn for dinner. This time round we asked dad not to drive. We all took a bus down and he was visibly more relaxed as he got to just enjoy the ride without having to worry about the traffic, finding lots etc… they had the famous Yong Tau Foo while wifey and I had duck rice. We also shared a plate of fried oyster. After the meal, we went over to Vivo to walk a bit before heading home. Very satisfying day spend with my parents.

On Christmas eve, we walked over to Stew Kitchen for our dinner. I was feeling a bit upset initially as there were some confusion over seating. I had initially wanted to sit outside as it will more windy but they were insisting that we sit inside and gave us a small table. Eventually we settled for a slightly bigger table inside. There were also some confusion when we ordered the food… anyway we manage  to settle everything and still have an enjoyable meal.

We had spaghetti, rosti, chicken chop, salmon, spring roll, ceaser salad and a seafood stew
Dad and I also shared a tall beer. When we finished our dinner, we presented the presents to folks. Dad got an Alex Ferguson Autobiography and mom got an Innisfree Green Tea Facial set. Hope they both like their present. Thanks wifey for getting the gift for mom after work.

Season of Thanksgiving

Whoa, the past couple of weeks has been more than interesting and full of thanksgiving , with the following activities ; Bangkok vacation, “You are the Reason”, clearing of annual leaves and Christmas happening one after another, bumper to bumper. I have yet to sit down and blog about them but I shall do that soon, probably starting with the latest one first since those heart-warming memories are still fresh…

Stay tuned !