Thursday 26 December 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas this year was an intimate affair with wifey and folks. Deb’s family were on their Malaysia road-trip so we decided to spend time with mom and dad.

On Saturday (21st Dec) wifey treated me to a delicious sushi dinner at the basement of 313 after a whole day of household chore. The restaurant is called Sushi Express and it’s a new place to me although she have already tried a couple of times with her colleagues.

One thing about wifey is that she is always excited to bring me to places which she have patronised and found the food nice because she does not want me to miss out… haha. Appreciate her thoughtfulness. We had about 18 plates of sushi @$1.50 per plate and tried many interesting dishes like abalone, scallop which normally cost much more at other places. So it was a very worthwhile deal.

After dinner, we went for some more Christmas Shopping at Takashimaya. Before that, I also bought a birdie ring in secret for her at Stroberi.

I love Takashimaya during Christmas as the atmosphere is always so festive and we spent quite a bit of time at the Watson’s and event hall which is selling their usual Christmas stuffs. After getting the presents, we strolled along Orchard Road and stopped by to listen to some carols.

Although the crowd was swell, the nice balmy weather makes it so comfortable to just stand there and relax. I gave wifey the ring in the midst of the performance but she already suspected… aiyah. We left the place about 11 pm after the last song and took a bus back home.

Sunday (22nd Dec) , woke up early and had breakfast before bringing folks to attend our Christmas Service. This year’s drama was very touching as usual and folks were tearing as they watched the story of how God intervene and did a miracle in the life of one of our church member who was addicted to gambling. Really respect and thank God for Uncle Xu De Cai for his willingness and courage to share his testimony to be used in this year’s drama. I am very sure there were hardly any dry eyes during the service. I believe and hope that God has planted a seed into my parents heart as they listen and think about the message which was being shared on that day. May they be able to come to know Jesus eventually.

After service, we went for lunch at Army Market. It was a cosy lunch as I have my parents joining my LG people for this meal. We went home soon after and I did some drawing with wifey as she did some wrapping… it was a lazy afternoon

In the evening, we brought folks to Seah Inn for dinner. This time round we asked dad not to drive. We all took a bus down and he was visibly more relaxed as he got to just enjoy the ride without having to worry about the traffic, finding lots etc… they had the famous Yong Tau Foo while wifey and I had duck rice. We also shared a plate of fried oyster. After the meal, we went over to Vivo to walk a bit before heading home. Very satisfying day spend with my parents.

On Christmas eve, we walked over to Stew Kitchen for our dinner. I was feeling a bit upset initially as there were some confusion over seating. I had initially wanted to sit outside as it will more windy but they were insisting that we sit inside and gave us a small table. Eventually we settled for a slightly bigger table inside. There were also some confusion when we ordered the food… anyway we manage  to settle everything and still have an enjoyable meal.

We had spaghetti, rosti, chicken chop, salmon, spring roll, ceaser salad and a seafood stew
Dad and I also shared a tall beer. When we finished our dinner, we presented the presents to folks. Dad got an Alex Ferguson Autobiography and mom got an Innisfree Green Tea Facial set. Hope they both like their present. Thanks wifey for getting the gift for mom after work.

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