Thursday 26 December 2013

Better , Make it Happen

As we approach the end of 2013, 2 words/phrases have been in my mind quite often. One is “Better” another is “Make it Happen”. I believe that if there is a theme for the coming year, those 2 phrases sums up nicely what I hope to be.

Better… because I want to be a better person than before. I do not want to compare myself or be compared to another person but I want to compare myself with who I was a year ago. I want to be a better son, husband, brother, son-in-law, LGL, friend, employee than I was before.

Danny always tells us that if we were to focus on just one or two area to improve on every year, than we will become a much better person over the years. I truly believe in that concept and will work on 1-2 area in my life. It may be an attitude, a skill, a habit or way of doing things. If I can commit it to God, God can help me to be better.

Make it Happen because many times, I have allowed plans and ideas to die off. I have lacked the discipline, courage or necessary expertise to do certain things and I did not even want to start on it. A couple of months ago, during the GLS, Bill Hybels mentioned something on this area. That many God given ideas or inspiration were being killed off prematurely and as a result it did not get out to the intended recipients of those ideas. That is bad stewardship. So I have to believe that if God wants me to do something, he will provide me with the necessary help to accomplish it. The statement If God brings you to it, He will brings you through it have to be internalised within me.  

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