Friday 25 September 2015

hAzY DaY

Yesterday was Hari Raya Haji, a public holiday, we had an early celebration for G&G’s 8th Birthday.

We went to Dragon Phoenix at Temasek Club for Dim Sum (for a change, instead of the usual Yan Palace)

It was the last few days of their operation before relocation, hence we virtually had the whole restaurant to ourselves.
Haze was very bad outside PSI is about 300, so after brunch we headed home immediately to be insulated against the outside air.
Wifey retreated into the study room to print some pictures for our Krabi journal but our printer was not working too well so spent quite some time trying to fix that. We didn’t manage to solve the problem completely though it improved a little.
TV was showing Dolphin Tale which was quite a nice show about Winter, a “disabled” dolphin with part of her tail amputated rehabilitating and giving hope to many people around her.

Oh I almost forgot, in the morning, I also watched Dumb and Dumber.... nothing like a good' ol 90's comedy to start off the holiday.... ;o)


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