Monday 21 September 2015

Mid - Autumn is Coming...

Last Friday evening, wifey mentioned that she felt like looking at lanterns and to soak in the mid autumn festival atmosphere.

So on Saturday, after visiting the dentist in the morning and doing some household chores at noon, we went over to Chinatown for a walk.

Before that we randomly alighted at Membina and had dinner at the coffeeshop. Initially wanted to eat the tze char but Wifey decided to try Collin’s (half roast chicken) instead. and she loves it!

Those cric cros fries are really good and the pepper herb chicken is also delish. ;o)

It is quite enjoyable looking at those different lantern designs (both modern and traditional). What I appreciate most, though, was the simple blessing of holding wifey’s hand as we stroll along the streets.

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