Monday 31 January 2011

This is how I spent my weekend.

Last weekend was a cold and rainy weekend. On Saturday, me and wifey woke up early and followed folks to my favourite Ghim Moh Market. Folks ate their comfort food, Yong Tau Foo and me? Thye Hong fish ball noodles of course. It was yummy … wifey just have a bowl of fish ball soup.
my fav fish ball noodle stall at Ghim Moh We wanted to get fish for our aquarium but the fishes there do not appeal to us. We then went to Tanglin Halt but unfortunately, the fish shop there doesn’t open until late afternoon. So we headed home. Read the newspaper and played with my nephews and nieces and then went back. (ate cup noodles for lunch)
As we woke up very early in the morning and the weather is so perfect for sleeping, we took an afternoon nap until about 6pm!!
It was still raining, so me and wifey went back to Tanglin Halt and the aquarium was open. We chose our fishes (2 black goldfish and 3 goldfishes plus a sucker fish) we also got a decorative rock and an artificial plant to spruce up our empty tank. Total cost $21.20.
Next, we headed to Ann’s Saloon for wifey to trim her hair and after that we went over to the food center for dinner. We shared a sirloin steak, it was DELICIOUS ;o) we also have stingray and a plate of vegetables. Dinner was great as we chatted while eating, very relaxing. After dinner, we braved the rain and took a bus home… really appreciate to be home from the wet weather.
We than put the fishes into our tank. It was beautiful.
That night, I also caught the Asian Cup final between Japan and Australia. It was a pulsating match, with end to end actions. Japan eventually won the match 1-0 after extra time. A superb volley from Lee settled the affairs. I was expecting Penalty Kicks though.
Sunday was another wet day. Went to service and than to CL meeting by Pastor Jeff. He shared on the church direction again whole city , whole world. 1) Discipleship and outreach. 2) Giving 3) going going gone and 4) Prayer. He also shared that the strength of a church is the CG and who can dispute the fact?? Heard some testimonies as well on how some groups grew during the last year.
Next we moved on to AG1 leaders meeting by Michael at olio bites Café at Starhub Centre. It was a rather relaxing time just hearing about testimonies again.
this is michael

After the whole session we went over to Far East Plaza as wifey wanted to look at some clothes… she bought 2 cardigans at Viola. One grey and one white. Nothing for me though, I can never find something suitable at that place.
Had our dinner there and headed home… it was still raining at 8+pm…

Saturday 29 January 2011

Streets of the Small Night Market

Just came back from the streets of, it was crowded as expected during the lead up to Chinese New Year. Was there with wifey, Larina and Eugene... we had BBQ squids, Spicy fishball, fried Tofu and tried their jelly, mushroom and cuttlefish. It does feel a bit like walking down the streets of Taiwan night market ;o) Earlier in the evening, we had our Sub D Cg, the first for this year at FMC. For intro we were asked about our superhero (someone who impacted my life deeply). I shared that mine would be my ex CL-shepherd Augustine. He is someone i respected because of his integrity and wisdom and of course....a twisted sense of humour.
Boy and Linda led the PnW. I liked that Boy explained the lyrics of his praise song. “honey in the rock” means that even in the most barren place (rock) , God can make goodness (honey) flows out of it... only God... and amen to that. Many times when we sing praise and worship to God, we do not know what the lyrics means. However, if we understand what we are singing... the song becomes more powerful and even more personal.
Danny shared his lesson on making life works. He shared that many times we are too concerned about our superstructure (exterior) but do not pay much attention to our sub structure (our foundation). Much like a building needs strong foundation, our lives need to be built on sound character, principals, values and beliefs.
To have a sound structure , we need to have wisdom and the book of Proverbs have loads of them! If only we take time to read, apply and let the essence of Proverbs saturate our lives and make God honouring decisions and choices. That is how God wants us to live and that is how He makes live works.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Wednesday 26 January 2011

The Young Ones

This is another picture that I have found in my collection and brought a huge smile to my face. It was taken when I was in Secondary 1 (that makes it 20 years ago!!)
I can still remember its setting. It’s taken at McRitchie Reservoir during our annual cross country. We brought a basketball along as we were mad about basketball then and were planning to go for a game after our cross country.
Those days, we always go and play basketball before school starts on Friday at Silat CC. We participated in inter class game and got 1st. Chicago Bulls were hot then and I called myself John Paxson … ;o) haha and tried to emulate his style by shooting 3 pointers whenever I have the chance.
Its all good fun with my mates. Those were very very fun times indeed…From left: Me, YongKang (a.k.a Botak very cute then), Simon ( a.k.a boss, our best-est player and a very intelligent guy), Aidi and DequanJohn Paxson

Thursday 20 January 2011

Tanjong Pagar United FC

16 years ago, I was an S-league fanatic. I supported Tiong Bahru United Football club , which later changed their name to Tanjong Pagar United Football Club. (a.k.a The Jaguars) .
I followed them throughout all their home matches at Queenstown stadium and also to their away matches all over Singapore ( Bedok, Woodlands, Sembawang , Tampines etc..) for many many years. Even when I was in camp, if there were any nights off, I will book out to catch their matches.
Aidi will always be at those matches with me, he was a fanatic too. Usually we will meet earlier in the afternoon for movies/shopping/dinner wearing our jerseys and than proceed to the matches together. Man, those were fun times indeed.
The Jaguars were a good team with a great fan base (good matches and Queenstown stadium will easily be packed to close to 3500 fans) but unfortunately, we never won the S League. Finished 2nd in 1998 but won the Singapore Cup. 1998 was a glorious year for us as we had probably the best player I have seen in S League, Majid Motlagh (from Iran) We also had Dragan, Tong Hai, Steven , Nico , and Saswa to name but a few.
I have stopped following S League ever since The Jaguars pulled out of the competition due to financial difficulties.
Why am I writing this? Mr. Zainuddin has just announced that Tanjong Pagar United FC has rejoined the S League for 2011 ;o) Maybe its time I pay more attention to our local league again. Aidi, you on?? ha..

Club Badge

Queenstown Stadium - The Jaguars Den

Monday 10 January 2011

Welcome Back, King Kenny

Kenny Dalglish - back at the Anfield dugout

Friday 7 January 2011

1st CG in 2011

Last evening, we had our 1st cg in 2011. Of course, we were on the topic of New Year resolutions. Among those who shared, Kunfa wants to lose weight and eat healthily.
He wants to take good care of his temple of God. Eugene wants to save money for his Japan trip at the end of the year. He wants to learn how to save financially. Alex wish to have good time management so that he can have more time to do his own things in the evenings instead of staying till late in the office. He wants to start work early and go back early too.
Larina wants to experience God more in the coming year carrying on the momentum of 2010 in which she has some deep moments with God. She wants to spend time with God no matter what are the circumstances. Jiayun also wants to have a healthier lifestyle and learn to pray more. Wifey wants to exercise and have the habit of resting by 11pm every night…

There we have it; there are desires to stay healthy by embracing a healthier lifestyle, better time and financial management and of course, growing deeper and more intimate with God.

As for me, as I have shared, I am not really used to the word resolutions; I prefer to call it adjustments of life.
I prefer to see life in seasons; Entering 2011 does not automatically mean I am entering another season.
As what pastor Jeff shared on Sunday , when the clock strikes 12 on 31st Dec it does not mean all the credit card debts will be written off, it does not mean failing relationships will suddenly be restored, it does not mean an illness will suddenly disappear..
However the New Year does offer an opportunity to make some adjustment to my life to re align back where God intended to be …perhaps.

My list
1. Be more willing to ask for help ( especially in running the group, share burden and let everyone play a bigger role in this family of God, it should be a win-win if done correctly.)
2. Not to fret over unimportant matters (matthew 6:34, phil 4:6)
3. Spend more time with my love ones
4. Not to let what others think or say affect me ( we live for the audience of one ultimately)
5. Enjoy God (serving, fellowship, leading)
6. Never ever take anything for granted

Jiayun led This is the Day: Divine Exchange and Deeper in Love and after that we had a time of prayer.

I was actually wanting to do some discussion on Sunday Sermon but was rather stuck on what to share or discuss during the week, then in midweek Alex suggested we pray instead. He was so convicted about the importance of praying and so we went ahead.
Thank you Alex for your conviction.

Lord I commit every single one of us in NG1C3 unto you. Lord as we enter the year with a heart of total dependence on you, we really really want to experience you as Jehovah Nissi. We want to proclaim you as our banner as we experience victory (big and small) with you in 2011. As we lift our hands up to you like Moses, fight the battle with us and never ever let our spirit grow faint. In Jesus most victorious name I pray. Amen..

picture taken during Christmas eve 2010... the whole family...almost ;o)