Saturday 29 January 2011

Streets of the Small Night Market

Just came back from the streets of, it was crowded as expected during the lead up to Chinese New Year. Was there with wifey, Larina and Eugene... we had BBQ squids, Spicy fishball, fried Tofu and tried their jelly, mushroom and cuttlefish. It does feel a bit like walking down the streets of Taiwan night market ;o) Earlier in the evening, we had our Sub D Cg, the first for this year at FMC. For intro we were asked about our superhero (someone who impacted my life deeply). I shared that mine would be my ex CL-shepherd Augustine. He is someone i respected because of his integrity and wisdom and of course....a twisted sense of humour.
Boy and Linda led the PnW. I liked that Boy explained the lyrics of his praise song. “honey in the rock” means that even in the most barren place (rock) , God can make goodness (honey) flows out of it... only God... and amen to that. Many times when we sing praise and worship to God, we do not know what the lyrics means. However, if we understand what we are singing... the song becomes more powerful and even more personal.
Danny shared his lesson on making life works. He shared that many times we are too concerned about our superstructure (exterior) but do not pay much attention to our sub structure (our foundation). Much like a building needs strong foundation, our lives need to be built on sound character, principals, values and beliefs.
To have a sound structure , we need to have wisdom and the book of Proverbs have loads of them! If only we take time to read, apply and let the essence of Proverbs saturate our lives and make God honouring decisions and choices. That is how God wants us to live and that is how He makes live works.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

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