Wednesday 26 January 2011

The Young Ones

This is another picture that I have found in my collection and brought a huge smile to my face. It was taken when I was in Secondary 1 (that makes it 20 years ago!!)
I can still remember its setting. It’s taken at McRitchie Reservoir during our annual cross country. We brought a basketball along as we were mad about basketball then and were planning to go for a game after our cross country.
Those days, we always go and play basketball before school starts on Friday at Silat CC. We participated in inter class game and got 1st. Chicago Bulls were hot then and I called myself John Paxson … ;o) haha and tried to emulate his style by shooting 3 pointers whenever I have the chance.
Its all good fun with my mates. Those were very very fun times indeed…From left: Me, YongKang (a.k.a Botak very cute then), Simon ( a.k.a boss, our best-est player and a very intelligent guy), Aidi and DequanJohn Paxson

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