Friday 7 January 2011

1st CG in 2011

Last evening, we had our 1st cg in 2011. Of course, we were on the topic of New Year resolutions. Among those who shared, Kunfa wants to lose weight and eat healthily.
He wants to take good care of his temple of God. Eugene wants to save money for his Japan trip at the end of the year. He wants to learn how to save financially. Alex wish to have good time management so that he can have more time to do his own things in the evenings instead of staying till late in the office. He wants to start work early and go back early too.
Larina wants to experience God more in the coming year carrying on the momentum of 2010 in which she has some deep moments with God. She wants to spend time with God no matter what are the circumstances. Jiayun also wants to have a healthier lifestyle and learn to pray more. Wifey wants to exercise and have the habit of resting by 11pm every night…

There we have it; there are desires to stay healthy by embracing a healthier lifestyle, better time and financial management and of course, growing deeper and more intimate with God.

As for me, as I have shared, I am not really used to the word resolutions; I prefer to call it adjustments of life.
I prefer to see life in seasons; Entering 2011 does not automatically mean I am entering another season.
As what pastor Jeff shared on Sunday , when the clock strikes 12 on 31st Dec it does not mean all the credit card debts will be written off, it does not mean failing relationships will suddenly be restored, it does not mean an illness will suddenly disappear..
However the New Year does offer an opportunity to make some adjustment to my life to re align back where God intended to be …perhaps.

My list
1. Be more willing to ask for help ( especially in running the group, share burden and let everyone play a bigger role in this family of God, it should be a win-win if done correctly.)
2. Not to fret over unimportant matters (matthew 6:34, phil 4:6)
3. Spend more time with my love ones
4. Not to let what others think or say affect me ( we live for the audience of one ultimately)
5. Enjoy God (serving, fellowship, leading)
6. Never ever take anything for granted

Jiayun led This is the Day: Divine Exchange and Deeper in Love and after that we had a time of prayer.

I was actually wanting to do some discussion on Sunday Sermon but was rather stuck on what to share or discuss during the week, then in midweek Alex suggested we pray instead. He was so convicted about the importance of praying and so we went ahead.
Thank you Alex for your conviction.

Lord I commit every single one of us in NG1C3 unto you. Lord as we enter the year with a heart of total dependence on you, we really really want to experience you as Jehovah Nissi. We want to proclaim you as our banner as we experience victory (big and small) with you in 2011. As we lift our hands up to you like Moses, fight the battle with us and never ever let our spirit grow faint. In Jesus most victorious name I pray. Amen..

picture taken during Christmas eve 2010... the whole family...almost ;o)

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