Monday 2 September 2013

Flag Raising Ceremony

This morning, my bus went past New Town Primary School about 730 a.m. and while I look inside the assembly ground, there was no assembly being carried out (probably because of the rain earlier on)

However, I saw a couple of students standing in attention and carrying out the flag raising ceremony on their own.

They were primary school children, being drilled on the importance of carrying out their duties faithfully

1) Even in adverse weather conditions

2) When no one is around them

As I was looking, I wondered what is going through their young mind while doing flag raising ( can I just raise the flag quickly and get it over and done with since no one else is looking? Why do we still need to raise the flag since it’s raining? Can we do it later ? why me? )

What a privilege, what an honour if they know the significance of their actions and the symbolism of the flag and the fact that they are chosen for this. I hope they do.

Lesson Learnt

In my service unto God, there may be times when I have to do it by myself with nobody around, in adverse conditions.

What will be my feelings then ? do I get frustrated or will I be able to see it as a privilege because God has chosen me for that role.

Only if I can get the right perspective, then will I serve with joy, with pride because deep inside my heart I must remember that come rain or shine, the flag of Jesus has to be kept flying high

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