Thursday 12 September 2013


“Leadership” is a topic that interest me no end. I can spend a lot of times reading about leadership theories, concepts and stories without ever getting bored.

My eyes lit up, my mouth widens and my heart pounds a wee bit faster whenever I come across leadership topics…

I believe that every one of us is a leader because at the very least, we have our own life to lead and decisions to make every moment.

For some, the leadership role gets more because they may be leading a family, a company, a life group or even a soccer team.

Knowing what leadership is about (leadership IS influence) and how to lead well is important because the stakes can be very high.

I am fortunate to have come across several leaders whom I think I can learn a lot from and one of them is Michael Raditya, Pastor Jeff and even my bro in law.

And from afar, Messrs Steven Gerard, Bill Hybels, Obama and Optimus Prime; o)

This year, I will be attending the Leadership Summit on the 1st/2nd November. I am excited by it and I know I can learn a lot from the speakers.

To end off, I would like to list down some important aspects of leadership which I came across very recently-

1. Character : Be a Piece of Rock

2. Charisma: the first impression can seal the deal

3. Commitment: it separates the doers from dreamers

4. Communication: without it, you travel alone

5. Competence: if you build it, they will come

6. Courage: One person with courage IS a majority

7. Discernment: Put an end to unsolved mysteries

8. Focus: the sharper it is, the sharper you are

9. Generosity: your candle loses nothing when you lights another

10. Initiative: You won’t leave home without it

11. Listening: to connect with heart, use your ears

12. Passion: take this life and love it

13. Positive attitude: If you believe you can, you can

14. Problem solving: You can’t let your problems be a problem

15. Relationship: if you get along , they’ll get along

16. Responsibility; it you won’t carry the ball you can’t lead the team

17. Security: Competence never compensates for insecurity

18. Self-discipline: the first person you lead is yourself

19. Servanthood: to get ahead, put others first

20. Teachability; to keep leading; keep learning

21. Vision: You can seize only what you can see

If we care about anything…if we care about our families, if we care about our churches, if we care about our businesses, if we care about our society…

…We Better Care About Leadership.”

-Bill Hybels

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