Monday 2 September 2013

“War Weariness” No Excuse to Avoid Syria Strike

Last week, Syria carried out a chemical attack in the suburbs of Damascus killing 1,429 people, including at least 426 children.

In response to this, Obama contemplated military actions against Bashar al-Assad's regime. In his very own words, "This kind of attack is a challenge to the world," Obama said, in brief remarks to reporters at the White House.

"We cannot accept a world where women and children and innocent civilians are gassed on a terrible scale," he said, calling the attack a threat to US "national security interests."

However, he is facing strong opposition from his own country who are already weary from many years of long drawn wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

After this report, I thought about the times I am also facing “_____ weariness” in my own life. (fill in my own blank) . Just like the American citizen who are sick of seeing their country pouring national resources (capital, human) and suffering huge amount of losses along the way while helping other countries, some form of weariness from long drawn efforts while not seeing results is also happening in my life.

So what should I do? Give up ? persevere on ? look for new ways of doing it?

I think the most important is to ask myself if what I am doing is something God wants me to do. Once I have a definite answer to this question, than I have to do it, no matter how tough the road is.

Just like what Obama says “war weariness” is no excuse not to act when evil is so blatantly carried out, so _____ weariness is no excuse not to keep on doing, what is right. What is good.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

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