Monday 21 October 2013

A Birthday Weekend

Last weekend was a “Birthday” weekend.
On Saturday, we attended Kairos’s 2nd Birthday Party at Connect Room 802.
It was a slightly different party to those I have attended before in that there were praise and worship and some meaningful sharing at different juncture by Michael throughout.

For example, in one segment, Kairos gave away 4 of his favourite toy buses to the some pre selected people including Ps Jeff, his grandparents and a couple of their close LG members. I believe that Michael wants to inculcate an attitude of sacrificial giving in his son’s young impressionable heart at every opportunity and this is one of such. At the end of the day, Mike also took a picture of Kairos surrounded by presents illustrating the fact that we can never out-give God. Kairos gave away 4 of his favourite buses but he got back so much more in return.

It is indeed possible to make use of every opportunity to share some biblical principles and spread the gospel. You just require some inspiration and a dose of creativity. Something which I believe Michael has, in abundance.

After Kairos’s Birthday party, we attended Saturday service and it was another huge birthday celebration because it was a water baptism service. Many people experienced their spiritual birthday on that day as they emerged from the tank (symbolising a new birth) and will be living this new life closely with Jesus from there on.
CN shared about the 3 Keys for our faith prior to the water baptism
a) The reason for our faith is Grace
b) The evidence of our faith is Growth (2 Cor 5:17)
Some areas we grow in is our obedience to God (step by step), our thought life, our love for people (love more people and love people deeper)
c) The nurturing ground for our faith is our life group (Heb 10:24-25)
The points look simple enough to understand but we tend to forget and many drift away in our journey through life. Hence this is a reminder of what life should be like when we are truly being born again.

*I was water baptised on 3rd March 2001 and I believe God was actually preparing my wife at the same time. Theresa was just standing a short distance away from me back then, having her water baptism too. Back then, we didn't really know each other. (the whole process can be seen from her water baptism CD where accidental glimpses of me can be seen. I was just a calafare back then but now have become the main lead in her life. Ha-ha)

After service, we went to OG at Orchard to get a bubble machine for Emmanuel and had our dinner at Le Meridian. Oh how we missed that place and the fish soup there…

On Sunday, we celebrated grandpa’s 86th Birthday at Hung Kang Teochew Restaurant. Food was nice but the same cannot be said of their service and cramp sitting area. Anyway, that is not that important. Most important is that my dearest grandpa enjoys blessings, good health and joy in the years ahead.  I hope he will, too one day experience the love of Jesus and accept him as his personal Lord and saviour. That would be a most wonderful day indeed. 

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