Tuesday 1 October 2013


Recently, I did an exercise to upgrade my iphone platform to IOS 7.
Finally, I am no longer being shown the frustrating message “ this application need IOS 5 or higher ”
I am never someone who is very tech savvy or someone who is always on the lookout for newer and better versions of technology but I do acknowledge and accept that many a times, what happens outside forces us to at least keep up.
In this case, If I keep using the IOS 4 platform, my iphone is not working at its potential and is limited in many areas though no fault of the device or user.
It’s just the progress of technology that makes my device more and more obsolete.

Lesson Learnt
In our walk with God, there are some similarities too. Many of us are living and operating in IOS 4 platform faith when in fact we can be that much higher.
That is because the Holy Spirit is so powerful, if we were to allow it to work in our life, he can give us greater capacity to love, more wisdom, more power, more spiritual gifts, better leadership, greater understanding, more humilty etc...
But first, we must first allow for the “upgrade” to happen by having a holy discontentment of our current state and recognise that there must be more that God can do in our lives.
Then, we ask the Holy Spirit to work in the various areas in our lives that need a major transformation. By doing this, we are effective upgrading our platform to a much higher one.
However, many of us are contended to just live in our old platform because we are comfortable there, we are familiar there and we do not see the need to move out of that zone.
By doing that, we short-change our own potential and limit what God can work in and through us.
Sadly, many are keeping up so closely with technological advancement but are contended to allow their faith to stagnate at a much older platform.
Be the best platform that God can use, Give God our very best so that  God may give us HIS very Best.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us"  Ephesians 3:20

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